September 6, 2018

When we’re Tired of Escaping, this is how to Remember who we Are.

As human vessels, we are constantly inundated with information and wisdom that comes directly via our primary light source—the sun.

Revolutionaries have known the power of this for aeons.

It is the light of the sun that feeds our pineal gland, that harmonises with creative intelligence.

Yet, we are often disconnected from our inner light. The split usually happens between adulthood and childhood, when we are closer to our origin. The sadness we often feel throughout our lifetime is this disconnection with our inner child, who was wild and free—until society and our upbringing suppressed us.

The inner child is our inner sun. The more lost it is, the more hidden we are; the more neglected it is, the more suppressed we become.

Our inner child is always yearning for freedom, always asking us for love and attention, for unconditional acceptance. If we can liberate our inner child, we will liberate our inner light and allow it to shine upon the world.

Ravaged by conditioning—media and entertainment seem to be the primary transgressors here—our inner light is shaded by these monoliths of escapism.

Beyond the materialistic and consumer-driven desires of our economy are the simple truths, the ones found within ancient traditions. Ancient cultures were more connected to empiricism, the base foundations and structures of life on Earth. The Chinese Wu Xing system described fire, wood, earth, metal, and water as transformations of energy; these ancient philosophies had a cosmology that rooted them to these moving energies.

In Ayurveda, the five basic elements are:

1. Earth (Bhūmi)
2. Water (Ap or Jala)
3. Fire (Tejas or Agni)
4. Air or Wind (Vayu or Pavan)
5. Space or Zero (Vyom or Shunya), also known as the ether or void (Akash).

We, as a society, have removed ourselves from these elements, created a polemic of darkness and fear around nature, and placed human beings above other creatures in the “food chain.” Our primary global philosophy is growth. Not growth in kindness. Not growth in happiness. Not growth in humanity, but growth in the economy.

This is the terse summary I would give to an alien arriving on this planet.

But within this plurality, I like to simplify by asking:

Where is the “human” in humanity? Where is the “I” in human being? Why did we forget who we are?

Custodians of this divine planet of beings—humans who care and love their world—create wondrous communities. There is no collective need to pollute destructively and without limits. Unencumbered by compassion, responsibility, care, kindness, wisdom, and without any long-term goal or vision, we have ravaged Earth, rapaciously taking every last ounce of her nutrients. Her heart is wounded, not just because of our endless greed, but because of our unfeeling plunder.

I know it’s easy to disconnect from our humanity, as greed and confusion are so pervasive and the economic parameters of society create a kind of collective sleep.

It’s time to remember our inner light. It’s time to remember, appreciate, and honor the basic forces of our cosmology that make up our world: sun, wind, rain, earth, wood, and metal.

Go outside. Spend time barefoot. Picnic under the shade of a tree. Feel the rays of the splendid sun on your skin. Enjoy the simple things innate to our nature that make life what it is on this planet. She is the ground of our world—honour her, love her, cherish her. And she will return that to you a thousandfold.

It’s time to take back our power—not our power to destroy, but our power to remember who we are. It’s time to remember kindness and compassion. To love our Mother Earth, not just because she loves us unconditionally, but because it is who we are. We are of love and from love.


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David Starlyte  |  Contribution: 16,600

author: David Starlyte

Image: Pixabay

Editor: Nicole Cameron