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April 10, 2019

5 Simple Tips For Improving Your Health

Health is a multi-faceted concept, with several sides needed to achieve an overall healthy equation. In order to feel your best, it’s important to be mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Though the demands of daily life can often threaten the time needed to maintain all three of these components, there are simple steps you can take each day to help achieve the health trifecta. Consider integrating the following tips into your daily routine in order to truly feel your best.

1. Stay Active

In order to avoid feeling slow, sore, and sluggish, it’s essential to keep your body moving throughout the day. Fortunately there are a number of smartphone devices and apps that can monitor and assist in staying active. However, if you’re stuck behind a desk for the majority of the day, getting your steps in can be easier said than done. In order to keep your body fueled, prioritize spending a few minutes each hour walking around. Choose a time each day to take a short walk of five to ten minutes, and try to fit as many of these walks in as possible.

It’s important to get a minimum of thirty active minutes a day in order to benefit your heart health. Try walking before or after meals. In order to keep yourself motivated, find a fitness buddy in real life or online. Set a doable goal for yourself, and be sure to stick to it. Be sure to listen to your body. If you are ever injured or unwell, allow yourself to rest. Listen to your body and don’t give up on yourself. It’s never a mistake to invest in yourself and your health.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Do you have a body? (Yes!) Well then you have a beach body! It’s important to never feel ashamed of the skin you’re in. That means embracing your stretch marks, scars, and imperfections. However, it is also important to achieve a healthy weight in order to be your healthiest. This means striking a balance in your diet so that you are neither significantly over or underweight. When it comes to losing weight in a healthy way, kick the expensive and potentially damaging fad diets out there and instead focus on natural weight loss remedies.

Have you considered ginseng for weight loss? This ancient and beneficial herb can be used to help reduce body weight by reducing hunger, reducing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, aiding in digestion, and increasing stamina. And those are only the weight loss benefits! Other weight loss friendly foods include leafy greens, salmon, cruciferous veggies, boiled potatoes, tuna, beans, legumes, avocados, nuts, whole grains, chia seeds, and coconut oil. Ditch the bad eating habits and fuel up on healthy essentials. Remember, it’s all about balance!

3. Eat Happiness Inducing Foods

Have you ever heard the old saying “you are what you eat?” While you unfortunately cannot eat raw happiness, you can consume foods that are known to boost it. That’s right, there are a number of foods and supplements that you can take to feel better overall. The great news is that a number of these options overlap with weight loss friendly foods to really provide excellent snack and meal choices for feeling and looking your very best.

To feel your best, eat real foods that aren’t processed. Some of the best options include nuts, fatty fish, fiber, probiotics, veggies, fruit, vitamin D3, extra virgin olive oil, and plenty of healthy fats. In order to feel your best, also be sure to cut out the junk food, processed food, fried food, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars. That means check what you drink to make sure there isn’t sugar calories in it. Lastly, be sure to fill up on plenty of water.

4. Don’t Neglect R&R

Rest and relaxation is an area that often goes overlooked in the busy modern world. While some try to carve out a week or two each year for an annual vacation, others can see years pass by without a single trip. However, rest and relaxation shouldn’t be something that you only commit to every year. It should be a regular component of each day, or at the very least each week!

No, that doesn’t mean taking a vacation each week. (Your bank account and work will agree with this.) It means allowing yourself the chance to relax and unwind without having to think about or focus on any aspects of work, to-dos, or daily stressors. What makes you happy? Maybe it’s a hot bath or a good book or a trashy reality television show or a hobby that your busy schedule has stuck on the back-burner. Make it a point to allow yourself at least a few minutes a day to do something you love. You can also greatly improve both your health and happiness with daily relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga.  

5. Practice Positivity 

Even if you are a naturally optimistic person, the hassles and stress of everyday living can certainly provide obstacles to maintaining your disposition. You may not be able to control the world around you or the people in it, but one thing you do always have absolute control over is your attitude. It cannot be stressed enough how significant a positive attitude can be in transforming your life.

How many times a day are you met with annoyances or stressors? How do you react to these incoming obstacles? Consider writing down everything that bothers you in a day, as well as your responses to each incident. Did you allow a slight blip in the road to disrupt your peace of mind? Become more aware of how you react to things so that you can adjust your natural responses. Promise yourself that nothing is going to disrupt your inner peace and tranquility, and then don’t allow it to. Peace of mind requires practice and patience, but it is entirely achievable. Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

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