April 24, 2019

Environmentalism 101 with Waylon Lewis.


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Craftsmanship, plastic, PVC, bleach, preservatives, Amazon, local, composting—oh my!

We all care about the environment, our environment, upon which we all depend. Everyone loves elephants and tigers and flowers and blue sky and green grass and clean air.

Everyone wants a beautiful backyard and hikes and parks and efficient cars and dishwashers and clothes made by human beings, not slaves or children.

So we all care.

But most of us don’t care enough to read up on climate change, or elephants dying, or the cancer that our pesticides on our grass lawns create. Or we don’t have time to cook or garden or bicycle or walk.

In other words, we all care, but we don’t care enough…or, would be rather, we all care about many things, but we don’t care about the things that matter.

Realizing that they matter because they’ll affect our loved ones and break our planet upon which we all depend, realizing we’re all in this together—realizing it can be fun to be moral, to do the right thing—realizing we got work to do, and that work is urgent and hard but worthwhile…that’s our path. ~ Waylon Lewis

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Image: Waylon Lewis

Image: Walk the Talk Show on Instagram

Editor: Vanessa Boehm