May 20, 2019

“I’m avoiding the news right now.”


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This episode of The Mindful Life with Waylon Lewis is brought to you by Aspiration, the ethical alternative to your bank. Aspiration can get you 2% on your savings, and zero ATM fees anywhere in the world. They offer bonus rewards for spending at socially-conscious businesses. Sign up at aspiration.com.

The Entertainment Industry, the opiate of the masses, is betting that we don’t care.

I think we do care, and deeply—about our right to read reality, and see what’s actually happening—to know the truth, whether it’s beautiful or horrifying.

We need places that are safe space for unsafe conversations. Where you can go disagree, learn, have your life changed, have tough dialogue without anyone getting mean, aggressive, nasty, personal.

We all want an enlightened society. A happy, fair world. And we can all work toward that. Without information, without knowledge, without journalism or truth-seeking…we can’t see how to get there.

~ Waylon Lewis

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For more of The Mindful Life with Waylon Lewis, go to elephantjournal.com/talkshow.

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Image: Through the Eyes of a Geek on Flickr

Image: @waylonlewis on Instagram

Editor: Vanessa Boehm