May 17, 2019

May 18th Full Flower Moon: Release your Shadow & Embrace your Truth.


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.

There’s a pulse of emotion that follows us everywhere right now.

A pulse that appears as a subtle vibration in our cells, that echoes the pure emotion felt in our hearts, the beating of an internal drum keeping time. This vibration and rhythm—along with the constant fist grip of our clenched hands—cracks our chests, and we begin to bloom.

But not without effort.

Within this bloom, we can also feel the rage and love and bitters and elation in our mouths with the words we long to speak.

With one false move, we could unzip the confines of our shadow and lose the light completely. So we step lightly. With caution.

We tiptoe past the sleeping giant and remember that love prevails when we wake up to what is, and begin to see that how the world is working right now is actually affecting us.

We wake up to the fact that we can be blind to the motions no longer.

May 18th brings the full flower moon, and its vibrations and energy are here to help us blossom and awaken to the shadows that we so long to ignore.

In this fullness, we release our blinders so that we may once again see what our truths have become.

This full moon will create a rising of our voice that aligns with the truth of our messaging and creativity. Our beliefs in ourselves and what we hold dear will be shaken. We’ll hear the clink of ice swirling around our glass as we consider what we need to release and what we are afraid of.

We will write and create from deep within. The world will begin to follow our lead as we put pen to paper and deliver stories and art from the hidden places within ourselves.

And the call of the planet says: we must release and awaken. We must open our eyes and see.

We must release all that stops us from speaking our truth so that we can work for the betterment of what needs healing both inside of us and in our communities.

It is our time to bloom.

It is our time to release the fear and loathing that holds us back.

It is our time to expand outward with all the love and compassion that we can muster.

Comment below and tell us: how will you release what holds you back? How will you bloom and open today?


Journal prompts:

Grab your favorite journal and set a timer for 15 minutes.

In that 15 minutes answer the following questions to help you work with the full moon energy this week:

>> What are you holding back right now? What do you long to say but are afraid to speak?

>> Where in your body do you feel stuck? What does it look like in your mind’s eye?

>> How can you release what’s holding you back so you can be fully in your truth? What’s one thing you can do today?

>> What gratitude do you have for your shadow parts? Write a list of gratitude.


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author: Licia Morelli

Image: @ecofolks/instagram

Image: Jean M/Flickr

Image: Naomi Boshari

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