June 18, 2019

The Words I say to Myself when I need a Major Kick in the Butt. ~ Ashley Novak


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It’s amazing moving to a new city, and the new challenges it presents to you.

How I thought I had dealt with certain vulnerabilities, and yet, they became totally exposed in this new environment.

There was a point one weekend where I felt completely and utterly naked from insecurities I thought I had dealt with. Normally, a quick train of thought would be that I wasn’t enough—a feeling that has heightened over the years from being in an industry that picks you apart physically, rather than integrity and values.

A feeling that comes from failed relationships, failed friendships, and family struggles. A feeling that comes from surrounding yourself with those that are smarter, which is what you should do, but those not holding you in the same highest regard as you do them.

It’s an interesting thought to me, and one I’ve been writing about over the last few days, trying to break it down. It’s so horribly natural for us to quickly think we aren’t enough because that is rarely the case. We find negative comfort in that, rather than switching our mindset, because it’s easier to have a pity party than it is to step up.

Some people will never understand us the way we’d like to be understood, and that sh*t’s 100 percent okay. But what I realized is that people, things, and life will constantly keep moving forward—growing and changing.

You can sit there and wallow in what’s unfair or misunderstood, or you can step up your own game. Leave what’s in the past, in the past. Don’t drag it forward and ruin what you’re trying to build. That only sets you up for disaster.

Buck up. Call yourself out on your own bullsh*t, figure out your room for growth, your next move, set those standards and those dreams, and smash the sh*t out of them.

If you find yourself doing what I said above, here’s your daily dose of smack-in-the-face. I had a lovely one this last weekend, and that’s where it will stay. The only dose I want daily is a dose of badass.

Who’s with me?


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Ashley Novak  |  Contribution: 580

author: Ashley Novak

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari


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