August 18, 2019

Brené Brown’s definition of Trust Transformed my Understanding of Relationships.


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8 Brené Brown Quotes on Getting Brave, Getting Vulnerable & Owning the Hell out of our Story.

92 Words from Brené Brown on Belonging, Self-Worth & Finding the Wild Courage to Love Ourselves.


If I had to pick one favorite bit of wisdom from Brené Brown, this would be it.

I often listen to podcasts on my runs, and I’ve recently listened to some of Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations.

The first time I listened to this episode, “Dr. Brené Brown: The Anatomy of Trust,” I literally stopped in my tracks. I had quite honestly never heard such a wildly accurate definition of trust. She simply, poignantly, and powerfully summarizes what trust is, how we earn it—and also how we break it.

Since that first time I heard it, I have listened to it multiple times to more fully absorb the many valuable lessons.

I’m now pretty convinced that this should be required listening for all humans:

{Reading on iOS? Watch the video here.}

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