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September 29, 2019

A New Moon of Transmission

A new Moon of Transmission ?

“When the pupil is ready the master appears.” This new moon in libra, has the need to unify emotions, balance intuition and instinct, harmonize feelings of love, and attract all that is fair and beautiful, in all our relationships one on one. Our personal image in the collective is inspired to be one of collaboration and artistic relationship. Our loving actions will naturally tend to order the details with integrity, in the service of others. Emotional warriors acting in the name of justice. What matters is not the Master, but the Mastery “re-velead.” It is veiled in the person. It has to be contacted through the person, rather than in the person. Devotion to a guru may be the way, but sooner of later it should be transmuted into reverence: the truth within the disciple saluting in true humility the truth in the Teacher.

With the moon squaring Saturn, the question can be who has authority over your emotional well-being?

Am I doing the work? Am I taking responsibility for my own emotional well-being? Have I paid my debts? Do I feel grounded in reality? Am I being emotionally flexible, in favor of harmonizing my relationships? Am I letting go of my nostalgia towards the past in a way that honors the good legacy of my mother linage? Are my traditions rooted in good health? How is my relationship with my mother? How do I give away my authority?

Authority, means to be the author. Who ever enjoys the authority controls, influences, denotes a power or right to direct the actions or thoughts of others. Am I the author of my own life?

Authority is a power of right, usually because of rank or mastery, to issue commands and to discipline; command, sway, power implies possession of ability to wield force, authority implies power for a specific purpose within specified limits. To become an author your should have authority in your subject; to become an author your have to be able to set clear boundaries. Who does my emotions obey? How does the past command my present? What kind of dominion my mother has over me? Who is the mother?

Saturn asks: have you learned the lesson, or should we go about it all over again?

Be aware that the asteroid Chiron is in opposition with this new moon, and Chiron is the healer, the vulnerable conversation. Chiron died trying to heal himself, and in the attempt healed others. Chiron is the shaman, the doctor, the healer. In opposition with this new moon in libra, emotions have the potential to hurt; hence to look within has its challenges, but know this: feeling is what you will be doing. Intuitively, you know what you need to do to nurture how you feel. You know how to use your charm when speaking about your emotions, you know how to seduce the other by opening your heart.

The key is: to realize Karmic healing through responsible feelings, and the releasing of the past as we clarify our intention to establish new structures and order, guided by the intuition of the heart, to heal.

We are all family.


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