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September 27, 2019

Flowers of whimsy

The sun hurt my eyes today, and basically fried me in my own juices, but even so I enjoyed the sun. I realised that it brings out the beauty in everything, you get to see the features of someone you love highlighted, how their hazel bounces in their eyes, and that twinkle…It bounces beautifully in those sacred eyes. You see how bright the colors of flowers are, and even though you feel like you’re dying inside, you appreciate the esoteric picturesque highlighted by the river and it’s banks.

Some days my quarrel is not with the world, it’s with God- why He would hurt us with the things we love; storms, animals, flowers, love- love being the greatest of these. Why would two people who used to be inlove grow apart to the point of despising each other, how deep do those waters go with their poison? I wish it was easy this life thing, it’s hard and it hurts, but as long as the sun shines, i will learn to love these flowers…

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