October 2, 2019

The Fragile Love between the Sun & the Moon. {Poem}

“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility.” ~ Paulo Coelho


You and I.

The constant ebb and flow of life and love.
You may be the sun—and I am the moon.

My light shines because of you—
and you are resting because of me.

Sometimes I can feel you, but you don’t feel me.
Sometimes you try to hug me, but I am not there.

We never needed the same:
you wanted distance when I wanted to move in.

Once I saw a bright shining star and told it a story about our deepest connection—
and how one day, we will rise for each other at the same time.

Open, raw, and hurting.
Sharing our wild, untamable dreams.

The other night you finally looked deep inside your darkest skies
when the little bright star carried all of you to me.

We moved in closer,
crossing moments of darkness—and moments of light—
to see each other for what we are:
the sun and the moon.

Moving whole oceans.
Bringing life and light.

Free—but always connected.

They’ll speak about us,
mention us within the same breath.

Because we belong together
even though we’re light years apart.


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Svenja Dietz  |  Contribution: 3,365

author: Svenja Dietz

Image: Elizabeth Tsung/Unsplash

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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