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October 11, 2019

The Seven Stages of Twin Flame Conscious Romantic Relationship – Stage 5: The Dance

There are two patterns to the dance: the coming together and the moving apart.

Sometimes it feels as if you are making progress, moving into calmer waters and then another trigger and more purging ensues and the emotional waves engulf you.  Also you may find that things get too hot, it’s too painful, the purging comes too fast and quick, the moments of bliss seem fleeting and you part company for some time.  This is what I experienced; though if it’s a twin flame that you are in relationship with, you will likely find yourselves back together again at some point.

This is the twin flame dance! It’s as if the higher self is cheering for you to not give up and the recurring moments of union and a sense of being home while with your lover inspire resilience and perseverance.  Each dance will be unique dependent on the awareness and commitment of the dancers.

There may also be ‘spiritual’ experiences that take place when you are together. In my case the kundalini activations helped both of us to keep coming back to seeing that something important was taking place between us and that we were somehow meant to be together.

We chose to separate, sometimes for months at a time, but it was what I needed to come to a deeper peace within myself and to stop once and for all looking for love and completion externally.   The times apart were extremely painful for me as they triggered my mother wound around abandonment but with awareness the fear of my inner child was quietened.  The voice of my higher self became louder once the fog of old emotional pain was felt, released and transformed by seeing that the purging I was experiencing was a blessing, though at times the voice of the fearful wounded child insisted that this was the wrong person to be with.  It wasn’t anything like the Hollywood movies portrayed romance to be!

Whether you stay or go is up to the individuals but one thing I would say is vitally important is that if you go, you don’t just start looking for someone else to complete you but that you take what you have learnt from your time with your twin and continue to do your inner work.  Otherwise if you meet another partner you will find that life is on repeat and you will have the same lessons presented to you, possibly in different formats.  You will not come home to peace with yourself or with another until you learn the lessons that life is inviting you to master.  This is the way of the conscious twin flame relationship.

Stage 6 coming soon is>  The Coming Home

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