October 7, 2019

I Tried an Astrology App to See if I can Achieve my Career Goals. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with align27—they’re dedicated to empowering, mastering and maximising your time through Vedic astrology and mindfulness, and we’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.

Timing is everything.

Have you ever wondered why no matter how much effort you put into a personal project, job application, or an important conversation with your partner, things just don’t seem to move forward?

I certainly have—a gazillion times. As a busy freelancer juggling between a healthy work-life balance, I’ve realized that timing is everything. I have received dozens of “better luck next time” emails, which have often left me feeling powerless, misunderstood, and in all honesty, like a failure.

Here’s the interesting thing about that: according to align27, a hyper-personalized app based on Vedic astrology, our lack of success doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re lazier or less lucky than our peers—it’s likely that we’re just misusing our potential.

And if you’re planning an important conversation with your significant other, the app’s Personality Planner gives you an indication of your loved one’s personality, including behavioral traits…Another little “secret” tool to control your time like a pro!

We all have the exact same 24 hours and 1,440 minutes a day. It’s not only about how hard we work on our goals, it’s also having the knowledge about when to do the tasks.

The key to a successful life might lie in an unexpected source–the Cosmos.

Tuning into our Power

In astrology speak, sometimes we’re in tune with the cosmic rhythm, whereas on other days we are not. Doing things at the right time can help us succeed in any action while doing things at the wrong time can stall our progress or even spoil the fruits of our labor altogether.

Now, imagine if you could know three months in advance, when the right time would be to send your job application, propose an important conversation, or plan your personal schedule. The dream, right?! (At least, if you ask a workaholic like me.)

As someone who doesn’t know shinola about rising moons or in which house my Leo sign is located, I was slightly skeptical—and equally curious—about using align27 to plan my days depending on how the planets are aligned.

After downloading the app, the only thing I needed to know was my exact time of birth to receive a personalized breakdown of my coming days and months.

I was hooked on day one. Using the app, I managed to do my whole day’s work in three hours–thanks to strictly following my productive hours. It’s truly all about maximizing our potential using timing!

Now, after using align27 for a couple of weeks, I read my timeline daily (except on days off) and even plan my downtime to just chill and Netflix. No major breakthroughs or Pulitzer prizes (yet)—but I definitely feel like I have maximized my potential, knowing exactly when to tackle a deadline.

Put simply, it feels like having a secret superpower in my pocket or a unique roadmap to guide me toward my goals.

Not your typical Daily Horoscope

To help people to manage and master their time to get the best possible results, align27 uses the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology combined with technology to make it accessible to everyone.

The female-founded app is on a mission to guide people practically, on a day-to-day basis, as well as on a larger scale, to evolve toward their fullest potential through cosmic knowledge of the sun, moon, planets, and the nakshatras (lunar mansions).

The app has crunched over 1,000 algorithms to come up with personalized time graphs using thousands of ancient time-tested Vedic Astrology techniques. The days are divided into green, amber, and red days—guiding you through each hour.

From there, align27 provides you with a breakdown of your personality and life lessons in easy-to-understand chunks that even an astro-novice like me can use without a manual.

“I call this app my communication app. It has changed the way I behave with others, especially when I’m stressed out or feeling low. If it’s a red day or a silence time, I make sure to try and avoid any difficult interactions and save them for the better times. My job involves a lot of interpersonal communication and through trial and error I’ve figured out that things go more smoothly when I communicate during my golden moments or on a green day. If it can’t be avoided at least I’m aware and it makes me think twice before speaking.” ~ Lindsey, London, UK

How to Master and Maximize your Time

align27 offers different features to help us maximize and master our busy schedules more effectively. Here are my favorite ways, which helped to plan my days and weeks ahead.

Green, Amber, or Red Day

A super easy-to-understand system that is divided into three different colors. This world-first cosmic traffic light system uses thousands of calculations to determine how favourable your day will be to make big or small decisions and plan ahead.


I loved seeing how my days looked three months ahead, making it easy to maneuver events and appointments to my Green Days where it was possible.

Today’s Timeline 

How am I going to use my precious 1,440 minutes a day? The timeline is another world-first personalized time graph, using thousands of ancient techniques behind the scenes, to give precise and accurate life-transforming guidance every minute of the day.


Yes, timing is everything. As a writer, my productive moments are where the magic happens. I use the “Golden” aka power moments now to send important emails and schedule meetings. “Silence” is a reminder to take it easy and lay low, if possible.

If you are an advanced astrologist, you’ll also enjoy using the Daily Rituals, which help sailing through the highs and lows of the day with personalized rituals for every moment.

Take control of your schedule.
Try align27 free for three days >>


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Sara Kärpänen  |  Contribution: 15,030

author: Sara Kärpänen

Image: Pexels

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren