November 11, 2019

Full Moon in Taurus: become Grounded amidst the Chaos of Mercury Retrograde & 11:11. {November 12th}


*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


The effects of the full moon are said to be expansive, electric, chaotic.

They can plunge us into all kinds of emotional states.

When the moon opposes the sun, the magnetic energy created is not only shared by those two cosmic bodies but is also felt within our own.

The full moon illuminates and makes clear the path before us.

This month, one day after the 11:11 gateway, Luna in Taurus brings us grounding energy to help us balance the high-frequency vibrations felt deep within our cells.

You’re not imagining it; something is happening. When we are illuminated, we are invited to look with honesty at our deepest shadows, and, because we are mirrors of the greater world, we look to the wounding of our planet and determine where to be of benefit. We can step into a dual purpose, alchemise our own soul, and alchemise the collective soul.

We are refreshed at the full moon, our dreams are ripe, we have the light we need to see ahead and plan the next cycle.

Because our cells are water and function through electrical impulses, we can react strongly to such powerful energy. Many people feel unbalanced or chaotic, unsure of what they’re feeling, un-grounded. Full moon in Taurus brings strong earth energy and steers us in the direction of having both feet planted firmly in the present.

Another aspect is the moon’s position opposite Mercury, currently in retrograde. The potential for miscommunications and rifts in family and love relationships is certainly amplified. Moon trine Saturn gives emotional stability, however, while moon trine Pluto allows us to feel deeply into others and find the compassion needed to resolve matters.

Be present to issues of security, finances, practicality, and trust.

Where can you be less stubborn, more flexible, less predictable, and more intuitive?

Where can you embrace change?

Where do you need more stability?

Are you rushing into things like a bull in a china shop, and where are you refusing to budge?

Where are possessions becoming too much of your focus?

Where are you biting your tongue, and where are you fiercely blowing up?

Where are you being too possessive or perhaps not committing at all?

Balance is key. Awareness is imperative. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself some hard questions.

This steadfast sign teaches us to embrace our dreams with consistency. Don’t give up now!

Rootedness is an important aspect of this moon. While this moon pulls at every string of your personality, root deep into what you know to be true for you and stick to the plans you have made.

All your hard work will pay off sooner than you think. Strike a balance between dreaming and structured planning.

Full moon in Taurus also illuminates the throat chakra. What is left unsaid? Express yourself. Speak with integrity. Open your mouth and speak words out loud. Cry. Reflect and communicate. Support this chakra with essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, and sage.

Choose aquamarine and turquoise stone allies. The color blue heals this full moon. Bring harmony to yourself by being in silence to restore and not speak “empty” words.

Support your “root” also with self-expression and embracing self. Love and nurture yourself. Wear essential oils of cedar, clove, or myrrh. Agate, garnet, lava, and black onyx are stones for rooting and balancing. Spend time in nature.

Opposing forces can pull us into confusion, but with mindful presence, we can center and make purposeful decisions.

Enjoy this moon. Life can be a huge rush.

The best thing about a full moon can be simply gazing into its light and knowing that there is a sacred plan which never fails us.

The moon is faithful. She represents the feminine and Mother—nurturing, loving, embracing. Sometimes she may be the only mother we can turn to.

Every month, without fail, our full moon mama shines her light upon our brow.

Feel her touch. Breathe her love.

Blessings, Wild Ones.

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author: Monika Carless

Image: Prettysleepy2/Pixabay

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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