January 24, 2020

How to Say Goodbye to the Person who Doesn’t Want You.

The time has come to say goodbye to the person who does not want you.

You are sure of this, because after one year there has been no sign indicating otherwise.

You know some things.

You know that he wakes up with the sunrise and then goes back to sleep.

You know that when he is most happy he listens to country music.

You know that he loves long showers followed by sunshine on his skin.

But you do not know how he feels about you.

And so not knowing is your answer.

If you were to actually, physically say goodbye to the person who does not want you, it could be a devastating relapse.

Because while your palms are sweating and your heart is pounding, and your voice is shaking and your chest is in a knot, the person who does not want you does not want you.

And so the goodbye would be a reminder of the misbalance of the entire relationship.

He will be polite but aloof, and this will bring back a flood of feelings.

That you are saying goodbye to the person who does not want you.

Brace yourself and remember that he has fear in his heart, and so do you.

For if he wanted you, I mean really wanted you, be honest—what would you do?

You must remember that there are trees and flowers and fires and flirting and wine and chocolate and ocean and sunsets and other people who have weathered the storms in their hearts and now they can offer you rainbows.

But you must learn how to make rainbows, too.

Otherwise, you will end up with the next person who does not want you.

You must take the chaos in your core, threatening to rise up like a tidal wave, and quickly become an alchemist.

Turn it into faith.

You must go to the same church where you sat eight months ago, where you lit two candles with a prayer.

But this time, light just one.

Because it is time.

It is way past time.

You must say goodbye to the person who doesn’t want you.

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Jaime Jacques  |  Contribution: 2,610

author: Jaime Jacques

Image: norton-dudeque / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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