January 6, 2020

A Simple, Transformational Ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer. {January 10th}

A full moon generally packs a lot of emotion and heightened sensitivity.

They are also a recipe for change should you choose to accept the opportunity.

An eclipse, on the other hand, is a powerful activation and often comes with life-altering transitions. Eclipses act as portals, allowing you to jumpstart transformation. They are gateways ready for you to jump through so you can unpack unwanted baggage and step into the life you truly want to live. For those of us who have been doing the work, this gateway is a much-welcomed event—but for anyone not ready, it can feel uncomfortable and unkind.

Eclipse energy is going to ask you to make some key decisions and finally “do the thing,” once and for all. It has the ability to activate all your energy centres and attune you even more to the vibrations of the Earth and your own inner calling.

So, to make things a little less uncomfortable, you can prepare and ready yourself for this next big cosmic event.

Here’s how.

A few days before a full moon, start to tune into your body. I like to do a body scan and feel into all my muscles, bones, tissue, and cells. What are they saying to me? How am I feeling around this time? Am I relaxed, tense, excited, optimistic? I just lean in and trust everything my body is sharing with me.

Once I receive this information, I start to emotionally check in. How have my emotions been lately? Who has triggered me? Where have I been experiencing the most joy? I take note of all this, too.

Finally, I check in with my heart. What has my heart been trying to tell me that I may not have been hearing? Am I following my soul’s compass, or am I ignoring my calling? Do I truly love my relationships, my work, my hobbies? Do I need to make changes? Have I not been honouring my boundaries?

Tracking all that comes forward for you will help you make some decisions and stay focused. Who and what do I need to forgive or release? What about my life and circumstances am I most grateful for? What would I like to see more of in the future?

You can call all this in by creating a letter to yourself, journaling it in a moon journal, meditating on it each day leading up to the full moon, creating an altar space that holds your intention, joining a moon ceremony with others, or creating a ritual that will allow you to tune in with Spirit at the full moon.

Eclipses are powerful gateways and portals that open up during certain times of the year. They are the catalyst needed for big change and positive transformation. When you let one pass you by, it’s like missing the last number on a lottery ticket.

The lunar eclipse in Cancer is going to challenge your relationships, home, and career. Keeping these in mind, you can assess where you’re at in this moment and use the cosmic energy of this eclipse to support your desires for your future self.

It’s important to have a healthy wellness plan just as much as a physical one. So, in 2020, I highly recommend including monthly moon ceremonies as a powerful way to make things happen for you—starting with this lunar eclipse on January 10th.

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author: Delia Beadle

Image: dazweb / Pixabay

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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