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January 22, 2020

Trauma recovery

The Vase

Damn it I dropped it again, what is wrong with me, such a clutz. The pieces are scattered all over the ground beneath me. I cut myself in trying to gather the brokeness. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt if I miss a few pieces, and inevitably I do overlook some of the shards. The edges are sharp as I try and restore the beautiful vase that once was whole. I want to put it back together.

You saw my frustration with this process, you gave me a way to gather the parts that didn’t quite fit back together in the same way. You showed me how to reassemble the container that I was so ready and willing to use. Your skillfull-ness in knowing how each piece was supposed to go back together was deliberate and keen.

Since then I damaged this piece so many times, clumsily trying to reassemble it back to its original luster. The adhesive wasn’t always the strongest, or maybe it wasn’t good glue so it would stay together for a while until I tried to use it. I’d fill it up and realize that the vessel was not fully ready to hold and contain what I placed in the vase. The repair wasn’t set yet and eventually I’d notice it leaking, then trying to do a quick patch hoping it would stay together this time.

Now this time I think it will hold. I attempt to fix it myself, not doing as good a job as you did. I fumble with the jagged edges and do my best repair work. If you look closely you can see the cracks are still visible. I secretly hope no one will notice the damage or perhaps they will appreciate this vase despite its fissures.


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