March 11, 2020

10 Immunity-Boosting ways to Ward Off the Coronavirus (& any other Virus).

*The NY Times reminds us sleep, no alcohol, dealing with stress (exercise, meditation, communication) far more important than the latest thing that spiritual hucksters are selling on Instagram. Take care of yourself. ~ Waylon.

*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that.

For more on how to deal with the Coronavirus, check out Waylon’s mindful advice


There are things a lot worse than the Coronavirus.

We can fight this! People are, after all, surviving this virus.

The truth is, we are surrounded by disease and really contagious things every day. We just don’t know it, so we don’t worry about it.

We need to be proactive, not reactive, and while I am sure you could use an extra few rolls of toilet paper, what you really need is immune boosters.

You need immune boosters!

These are what are going to protect you against viruses and germs in the air.

Here are my 10 tips on how to build up your immune system and ward off the Coronavirus and any other virus, for that matter:

It is easy to make at home or buy at your regular store. I like the brand Gaia because they don’t use honey, which makes it good to use for babies and vegans. I like to take this when I know I was around a lot of people or feel the sickies coming on. This should not be taken daily.

Fifty mg when you are feeling rundown kicks your immune system into gear. I like to use the brands Thorn and Pure Encapsulations. This will help your immunity skyrocket!

Liposomal Vitamin C
This can be taken on a daily basis. This is a gel that can be thrown into your drinks. Make sure you don’t take too much or it’ll cause diarrhea.

Seventy percent of our immune system lives in our gut. This helps repair the live bacteria in our stomachs and help our immune systems stay strong. Change your strand every six months so you don’t become immune to them. I like Klair Labs Probiotics. Probiotics are best when they are refrigerated in a glass bottle.

Essential Oils
You can diffuse them, put them on your body, take them internally, use them as cleaning products, and so much more! Make sure you buy a high-quality essential oil.

Stop eating processed foods
Especially in the winter when our immunity is down. These foods lower our immune systems, so with a clean diet, you can boost your immunity!

Bone Broth
This is an amazing thing to bring into your diet. It is simmered and brewed for 24 hours, unless you have an Instapot. The benefits are outrageous for your gut health.

Cut the dairy
It is terrible for you and causes phlegm. It messes with your gut and congests the lungs. Avoid dairy, especially if you are sick.

Wash your hands
This one should be self-explanatory and common sense. You are touching everything and everything is dirty. Keep washing your hands and get a high-quality soap (think essential oils!).

Stay positive
Don’t obsess about the Coronavirus, but do take precautions and get help if and when you need it. We are going to get help if we need it. Stock up on the immune boosters, that is what will help you!


Check out my IGTV for more info on Coronavirus and check out my website for even more! 


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author: Shilamida Kupershteyn

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