March 12, 2020

Billie Eilish: three new photos go straight to the heart of Patriarchy, Empowerment, & Sexualization.

Billie Eilish as we’ve never seen her before—speaking up on sexualization, sexuality, empowerment, patriarchy and fame.

“It’s about taking that power back, showing it off and not taking advantage with it,” she says. “I’m not letting myself be owned anymore.”

Read above for photos and story. 

For more: Sexist Maxim Lad Mag Sexy Photospread? Hack it.

For more: Meanwhile over at Maxim: Photo: “How to cure a Feminist in 3 easy steps.” 


Photos: Billie Eilish takes off shirt in protest of body shaming; Agent Provocateur ft. athletes in empowered lingerie, The Rise & Fall of Instagram-friendly Outdoor Voices…it’s this week in “Feminism?”

I used to write on Elephant all the time.

Then, Elephant grew, and 1,000s of writers

(our writers are you, our readers, you can write here, we pay top articles every week thanks to those of you who subscribe)

wrote, and Elephant isn’t about my voice, never has been. Elephant is about a community coming together to inspire, to bring awareness to suffering, to agree and disagree thoughtfully.

So, this week, I saw three stories that, in the past, I woulda written up promptly.

One’s a gateway into Feminism, the male pillorying of female fame for sexual satisfaction. Billie Eilish, vegan, heroine to many, took that on directly this week.


Two, Agent Provocateur, under the guise of feminism, post-#metoo, celebrates women’s bodies. This article questions whether this is genuine, or marketing, or both, or exploitation for profit, or genuine. It’s a great read, and worthy of contemplation.


Third, Outdoor Voices, by a lady I’m a fan of, followed that typical anti-Small Giants path and took investment ’cause of growth, ’cause of capitalism, ’cause of greed, ’cause of patriarchy…and promptly lost its mojo (read Small Giants) and has imploded, more or less, losing its mission and founder. Of course, from the beginning, like most if not all yoga brands, it was made of plastic, made overseas, where environmental and labor protections are too-often iffy. Good read here.

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