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March 7, 2020

Masterpiece. A poem for Women, and all who love them.

You are pure divinity wrapped up in the suit of a heroine. 

You carry with you the power to create, to heal, to listen to the heart.

You are intuitive, wise, magnetic.

You are vulnerable, and your strength is infinite.

You are hurt. You are angry. You are healing.

You have felt the walls of fear closing in on you.

You have knocked them down.

You are a survivor. Courageous. A masterpiece.

You are everything your soul is calling you to be.

You are perseverance, steadiness, powerful beyond measure.

You are not alone.

You stand beside every woman who has walked upon this earth.

She is with you.

Rooting for you.

Rooted in you.

She knows your limitless potential to thrive.

If a plant is not growing, you tend to the soil.

You hold within you everything you need to flourish.

You are whole.

You are worthy.

You are more capable than any superhero.

You are a Woman.

You are love.

You are loved.

You are what this world needs more of.

Hands to your heart, you magnificent being.

Do you feel that?

That is Life Force.

That is Sovereignty.

That is Creation.

That is You.


You are a masterpiece.

To be cherished and revered.

Allow this truth to sink into your bones.

Your holy beautiful body.

She will tell you the story of you.

The Story of us all.

You have an epic tale to live.

Step into your presence.

You join your ancestors while you define a path that is uniquely your own.

We need your work of art.

There was a hole in the display of life until you arrived.

You are what you have been waiting for.


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