May 8, 2020

Finding Guidance from my Feminine Energy.

On a morning walk the day before the new moon in April, I felt energy in the air, a current of mystical excitement that was nearly intoxicating.

As I walked to my neighborhood park, it was as if I was seeing the world for the first time. I was looking at everything with such curiosity, love, and passion—a new lens. I felt love for everything around me. I felt love for the beautiful Earth and felt her love back tenfold. I felt enraptured, embraced, embodied.

As I stared at the sky and trees, I felt presence deep within me. The presence of my divine, mystical indwelling.

I felt her. I was her. I am her.

I’ve been wanting to feel divinely feminine for a long time; to connect with my softer side of flow, creativity, and love. I’ve been writing that phrase down a lot over the past couple years, and have been reading about this concept in books, websites, and blogs. I’ve been looking for a roadmap or plan for this connection. And then, boom, with no expectations, plans or extra work, I embodied my divine nature.

She was there all along.

In this state of feeling ecstatically divine, I silently prayed, calling on my divine indwelling to show me the love, the light, and the path for my life. I thought, “I am ready to be of service but need your sweet guidance and direction.” I gazed upon the auspicious sky, and soaked in the mystical energy that surrounded me.

I felt nearly intoxicated by the air as I walked home. I didn’t want my morning walk to end. I felt called to be outside and in this presence all day, to spend my entire day surrounded by this electric current of love and excitement.

I wanted to spend the day connected to Mother Earth and embody my divine indwelling, being her by simply existing. But, living outside feeling embraced by nature, and drunk on new moon air isn’t “real” life. The work before me is to cultivate this divine indwelling as I move through my “real” life.

To feel and be her presence as I operate as a human being in our complex world.

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Brandi Braun  |  Contribution: 1,950

author: Brandi Braun

Image: Unsplash/Freestocks

Editor: Sophie Belanger

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