May 5, 2020

Elephant’s (Free) Community Gathering—May.

Every Friday, we take a step back from the rush of everyday life and connect with Mindful Community.

Over 6,000 good humans join us every Friday from dozens of countries and cities and towns and middle-of-nowheres from all around our world: Boulder, Minneapolis, São Paulo, Madrid, Edinburgh, Brisbane, Delhi, Jakarta, Dawson City, Bangkok, Copenhagen…

Show up for yourself. Show up for each other. Show up if so inspired.

And if you can’t show up live, we’ve got the video replays here for you to enjoy after the fact:

Friday, May 1, 2020: Overwhelmed by Too Little? Overwhelmed by Too Much? The Root is the Same.


The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. This is why we Bow.
  2. How to Meditate: The Dathun Letter via Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
  3. Don’t Give Up on your Yoga Practice in Lockdown.
  4. We are in this Together. We aren’t in this Together.
  5. Read why you’re Basically Good.
  6. Pema Chodron vs. Self-Help.
  7. Sprouting 101: Easy, tasty, nutritious & cheap to Grow.
  8. A Roundup of the Best Vegan Recipes on Elephant.
  9. The Cocoon.
  10. Learn more about Elephant Academy, here.


Friday, May 8th, 2020: How to Relax in Uncertain Times (& How not to). 

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Don’t Text & Drive, the Real Live Video.
  2. Conan O’Brien + Louis C.K.: “Everything’s Amazing + Nobody’s Happy.”
  3. Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.
  4. Discover Your Ikigai—(Your Reason For Living).
  5. Right Livelihood: Find your mindful career path forward.
  6. Seane Corn talks about her Cocaine Use.
  7. The notion of Ikigai or Right Livelihood can Save our World by Serving our Commonwealth.
  8. This is Parenting
  9. The Good Mother.
  10. Empaths are the Most Selfish People on the Planet.*
  11. How to tell if you’re an Empath or a Narcissist.
  12. Learn more about Elephant Academy, here.


Friday, May 15, 2020: 10 Basic Salves for Burn-Out & Everyday Depression.

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Theism.
  2. Buddha: a “Non-Theistic” Religion.
  3. Here’s that infamous photo of that famous yoga teacher “adjusting” (assaulting) two women. {Adult}
  4. 5 Ways out of everyday Depression. ~ Waylon Lewis
  5. The 5 percent Solution for Depression.
  6. 10 Profound Things that help me reconnect with joy when I’m burned out & uninspired.
  7. Kripalu’s 6 simple ways we can practice Mindful Eating.
  8. Everyday Buddhadharma with Linda Lewis: Lojong Slogan “Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one.”
  9. Pema Chödron vs. Self-Help.
  10. How to Meditate: The Dathun Letter, via Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
  11. Pema Chodron: a Buddhist teaching on Loneliness, Rejection & a Broken Heart.
  12. The Cocoon.
  13. The notion of Ikigai or Right Livelihood can Save our World by Serving our Commonwealth.
  14. The Most Important Article on Elephant, Ever: Maitri.
  15. Video: Death comes without Warning.
  16. The Eight Basic Salves for Burn-Out.
  17. A Parable for Modern Times. ~ David Munoz
  18. Urban Foraging: Your healthy free dinner is below your feet.

Friday, May 22, 2020: Overwhelmed by Too Little? Overwhelmed by Too Much? The Root is the Same.

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Busyness is laziness. 
  2. The Five Buddha Families: which one are you? ~ Linda Lewis
  3. This is why we Bow. 
  4. 10 Great Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes.
  5. Waylon’s favorite poem.
  6. The Cocoon.
  7. The Buddhist notion of Idiot Compassion.
  8. The Best, Basic, Classic Meditation Instruction for resting our Mind in the Present Moment.
  9. We shoot Mountain Lions…don’t we?
  10. Buddhadharma In Everyday Life: Lojong—The Three Basic Principles. ~ Linda V. Lewis
  11. A Positivity Manifesto. 

Friday, May 29, 2020: I’m a white male. I’m the same age as George Floyd. Here’s what we do with our privilege.

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Hey America, I Can’t Breathe.
  2. No Justice, No Peace. ~ Kit Shelton
  3. “If you think the country changed overnight, you haven’t been paying attention.”
  4. Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.
  5. Read why you’re Basically Good.
  6. Chogyam Trungpa: the Buddhist Recipe for Success.
  7. The Cocoon.
  8. Random Chaos: the Positive Potential of Crisis & 5 Takeaways
  9. How a plant-based diet is good for your heart, penis & lifespan.
  10. 21 “Non-Spiritual” Things that make us Happy.
  11. Learn more about Elephant Academy’s newest course, here.

Our Friday Gatherings are free to join, but you have to register below. Enroll in an Elephant Academy course before Friday, and you can join Elephant Camp too, free. Learn more about Elephant Camp.

Find previous months of Gathering replays, including April.

In honor of this strange worldwide moment, when many of us are socially distanced (you better be), we’re offering a free, introvert-friendly community gathering every Friday. You can view after the fact if the time doesn’t work for you. Feels like a good time for community. We’ll do a brief meditation exercise, a longer community talk/Q&A, and a brief find-your-voice/write-your-heart-out exercise.

They’re free to join—you just have to register right here:

powered by Crowdcast

Waylon Lewis hosts a free training with Q&A every Friday, for as long as our community finds it to be of benefit—and fun!

Submit your questions ahead of time in the Ask A Question section of the event.

Elephant is that rare species: we’re indie, mission-driven media. And we’re big! With 10 million Facebook fans on 60 pages, 750K on five accounts on Instagram, & millions of caring, troublemaking readers a month, our goal is, together, to be of benefit.

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