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May 9, 2020

To the mama raising a wild untamed heart

Sweet mama, nothing could have prepared you for such a wild untamed heart.


You have chosen a role beyond the edge of tolerance that requires so much strength, patience and drive.

To the mama raising a wild untamed heart I want you to know, I walk this path with you. Each day I find new ways to remain patient, kind and open to the many whims my untamed child throws my way.


And there are days mama, where we just break down. This wild untamed child can crack us open like no other and drive us to the edge.


In those moments, we wonder – how do I love this wild heart without holding her down? How do I foster this wild heart without losing hope? How can I love this wild heart without harming our bond?


It’s so hard, mama. The lessons of each day we experience with this sweet child can really take its toll on our souls. Have I done my very best? How do I control the breakdown when things get too big?


You dear mama have chosen such a path that promises fight with glory, pain with joy, victory and resilience. It’s an opportunity to heal the untamed wild heart in you and give your untamed heart the love it didn’t receive.


You are giving your wild heart the very best of your open heart each and every day — and that is enough.


To be the guardian of a wild untamed heart is to learn stamina, boundaries, fierce love and to experience being fully alive. Every day is a new adventure. Every day is a new lesson – a new test.


There is no walking away except to hold space for the child who dreams big and lives each moment as if it were there last. For the child who expresses big deep emotions and fights for their right to play, dance, run, explore and do all the things that scare you, make you anxious or even piss you off!


This heart carries a soul so free it will change you. Never could we have imagined being chosen for such a wild untamed heart. And I wonder, how do I honour this exchange with my wild untamed child?


Each day is a new day. All we can do is roll with the wild untamed heart and see them as they are and allow them to fully be expressed in the moments they find themselves. There is no way to hold down this wild heart. So what do we do, mama, when things get so wild we lose all control?


We hold space. We share the moments big and small with this wild heart. We cry with them, we run with them, we sing and dance with them and sweet mama it’s ok to break down amongst them.


Our wild tame hearts can take it in and teach us grace and love for the self. They can teach us patience, beauty, and how to express deep fruitful emotion that will crack you open mama, in the most profound and lyrical way.


To the mama raising a wild untamed heart, you are doing enough, you are peace and beauty all in one expression of a song that will be sung to the heart of your wild heart. And do not worry about serving them, the moment you brought them here, is the moment you gave them everything their earth-bound soul wanted. Life.


Let your wild untamed heart guide you down the path to being wild and untamed with them. This is your precious moment of life where you get to be fully alive with you, with them, with all the wild and untamed mama’s walking this path.


To the mama raising a wild untamed heart, I see you, I love you, you are a beautiful creation with such a gift – to be the rightful guardian of a child with a wild and untamed heart.


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