June 8, 2020

25 Quarantine Dad Jokes to Beat Coronavirus Boredom.

Let’s admit one thing: We haven’t experienced anything like an out of the blue, imposed quarantine on more than 50 percent of the world’s population—’til now. 

Who would have thought, a poky little virus that we can’t see with our naked eyes, would catapult a global economic shutdown and lockdown inside our homes?

The quarantine period has been a heck of a journey for everyone. In spite of doing many creative manoeuvres, keeping boredom at bay can be difficult. Weekend parties, scrumptious junk food, and late-night hangouts with buddies have been sorely missing for everyone during the lockdown period. However, amid all of the chaos that COVID-19 has created, we have also managed to cope with boredom in our own ways.

To keep the long story short, I’ve compiled some utterly ingenious, and funny quarantine quotes that will help you get over the quarantine boredom like nothing else: 

  1. Quarantine time is perhaps the only time where heroics don’t lie in going out and helping people. It lies in staying inside and waiting for a good time
  2.  The best way to describe quarantine period: outward smiles and inward screams. 
  3. Some people still don’t know that the ‘Quarantine’ period is actually their daily lifestyle. 
  4. I really love and adore complex mathematical equations. But I am unable to maintain the count of my quarantine days. 
  5. When the quarantine is over, those people who were boasting about their chiseled bodies will be finding places to hide their bean bag-like stomaches. 
  6. The shortest four-word horror story for working people: One more quarantine month! 
  7. The best thing you can do during the quarantine period is to wake up every morning and go back to sleep again. 
  8. Some people during quarantine be like: don’t talk to me ’til I have my coffee and after that still don’t talk to me because I am going to sleep. 
  9. Quarantine is basically a dream come true for all those working people who always wanted to work from home.
  10. If you can’t handle me during the quarantine period, you don’t deserve to be with me when I’m eating cheese pizza after quarantine. 
  11. Sometimes, the best thing in life comes unexpectedly—like quarantine with no work. 
  12. There are two types of people in the world: People who love quarantine and people who are forced to love quarantine. 
  13. If you are going through quarantine, It’s never too early to go to bed and stop stalking hot Instagram chicks. 
  14. Corona doesn’t affect snakes, so most people are safe during the quarantine. 
  15. Quarantine has turned every goddamn person into a unicorn—difficult to find. 
  16. If there is anyone who is genuinely happy because of quarantine, It’s the Netflix organisation. 
  17. If I ever offended you, let me give you a hug outside while there is a corona outbreak going on. 
  18. The quarantine period is nothing less than a heaven for introverts. No people, no awkward conversation—just sweet, alone, blissful time. 
  19. During quarantine, many parents are now wondering how the hell their kids managed to get past the 1st grade. 
  20. Parents who were excited about homeschooling of their kids are now looking for some fine alcohol to get over the pain and frustration. 
  21. Quarantine period made parents realise why they were right about not opting for the teaching profession, and they are goddamn happy about it. 
  22. Kids who are terrible at studying, their homeschooling schedule be like: eating, sleeping, Netflix, vacuuming, repeat. 
  23. In normal times, true friends always stay closer. In quarantine, true friends always stay apart. 
  24. Amid corona pandemic, beware of those friends who seek your physical companionship. 
  25. The most valuable gift you can give to your friends during quarantine is distance.


During this turbulent time, the world needs more kindness, love, and laughter. These funny quarantine quotes are little efforts from my end to cheer up your dwindled enthusiasm, and to bring back your good old smile again. If you love the above-stated funny quarantine quotes, don’t forget to pass them on to the people who matter to you, and draw a smile on their faces too.


Source of quotes – QWM

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