June 9, 2020

Dear little girl, I’ve got You: A Letter to my Inner Child.


If your heart is feelin’ a little tender, this’ll give it a hug: You Deserve a Giver. You Deserve to Heal. 


I look at a picture of you and smile at your botched bangs.

Whoever cut your hair must have had their eyes closed. The left side is definitely shorter than the right. You’re cute though. Adorable. Your green eyes look just like mine, and I can see we both like flowers.

You look a little sad. I wonder why. There’s a hollowness to your eyes. Either you haven’t learned to smile for the camera yet or you’re trying not to cry. I can’t tell.

I wonder what you’re thinking. What did you have for breakfast today? How was school? What letter did you practice tracing? I bet you’re going to be a writer one day. I know you will be.

Are you okay? What’s wrong? I wish I could hold you and play with your hair. That always makes me feel better.

I know you have a bigger smile than this. I wish the world could see it.

Do you want me to read you a book? I think you’ll love Giraffes Can’t Dance. My kids at work love it, and I think you will too.

Come sit over here next to me. I’ll make you some hot cocoa and get you a blanket. You’re going to love this story.

Oh sweetie, why are you crying? Come here. I’ve got you. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.

Do you want me to hold you? You’re shaking your head no. It’s okay. I’ll just sit here next to you then. Let’s read this book.

The pictures are beautiful, aren’t they? You like the colors? Do you like giraffes? Do you know what that word says? You’re right. It says, “the.” You’re going to be reading books in no time.

There’s your smile. Awe, it’s beautiful. You want a hug now? Okay, any time you wish. I’m glad you enjoyed the story.

What would you like to do tomorrow? Make pancakes? You got it. Of course we can wear aprons. I’ll tell you what—afterward, we will take a trip to the zoo and get ice cream. What’s your favorite flavor? Bubble gum? Me too!

I love you too. I’m always here. One day it won’t be like this. One day you’re going to show the world this smile of yours and it’s going to smile right back at you.

One day you will see the beauty beyond these walls.

For now, put your hand right here on your heart and know you are not alone. I am here, and I am not going anywhere.


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author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Artur Aldyrkhanov/Unsplash

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