June 13, 2020

8 Minutes of Hope for George Floyd (& All of Us).

Years ago, my artist friend created a small-scale model of the Liberty Bell.

It was made to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. 

This week, he decided to use it to honor the memory of George Floyd. We are both located in Minneapolis, so the event was held at 38th and Chicago Avenue—it is now being called the George Floyd Memorial.

We listened to a part of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, and there were prayers. Then Bill rang the bell once per minute for eight minutes. I was so moved—shaken to my core to hear that bell ring so strong and clear over the 100 or so people gathered in that space.

We were surrounded by the murals, days and days worth of flowers that were brought, heartfelt signs, hopes, dreams, anger, and sadness, as the voice of the bell settled over us like the peace we were searching for.

I am a 60-year-old white woman, and I have always been a supporter of people of color (any underdog, really) in any situation, but for the first time in my life, I have hope that things will really change. 

It’s a tiny flame of hope, but I will continue to fan that flame in any way I can.


Watch an anti-racism hour with Jane Elliott talking with Waylon Lewis of Elephant here.

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