June 30, 2020

3 Tips from a Yogi for Boosting Energy & Breaking Fear Patterns.


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The body tells the ongoing story of our lives. 

We must pay attention and listen. For example, in a stressful or dangerous situation, flexor muscles tend to be activated in order to prepare for survival. Ideally, this reaction should disappear when the danger is gone, but often the mind keeps us tuned in—it’s anticipating the worst, and so we stay in “alert mode.” 

When our habitual, negative thought patterns stick around—going round and round like toxic chewing gum—they block the natural release of tension. An organism that is unable to switch off fight or flight mode entirely runs the risk of impaired health and potential disease. 

A habitual focus on survival instincts usually involves: anxiety, twitching, stiff neck and shoulders, and compromised diaphragm function with a ribcage unable to provide the full articulation that nature intended. The pelvis and legs may be frozen—stiff in anticipation of running—and packed full of current and redundant residues of survival mode biochemistry. 

These fearful patterns sap our energy, while the fearless, open body and mind have an abundance of available energy. If the body-mind tends to live in this fight or flight mode habitually, we must patiently observe the patterns and allow new possibilities to enter our life. 

A few ways to facilitate this process can be through: 

1. Practicing daily yoga, even if it’s only a 15-minute stretch. My cats are so good at their daily regime of sleeping, stretching, eating, and repeating (like zen masters)! 

2. Book a Rolfing session (with Christopher Nixon if you can). Even if you are a wizard with your body, you will find a whole new depth to yourself during the sessions. 

3. Practice pranayama and slowing down. If your head starts believing that you are free, the body will mirror that (and vice versa).

Start smiling with your heart and say yes to life. The whole world is here for you—believe in it, and say yes! I am sending so much love to everyone on their journey.

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Angela Selivanova Santosa  |  Contribution: 7,510

author: Angela Selivanova Santosa

Image: Author's Own/Instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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