July 19, 2020

How I shifted from a Worrywart to a Laid-Back Warrior. 


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As I sit on my deck this morning drinking my coffee and writing this blog, I can’t help but share where I am at mentally.

It is easy to heavily focus on what we do not have, the problems we face, or even the things that aren’t happening, but worry that they might. For some, this could be a huge hurdle. However, trust me when I say that even in the darkest of times, there is always something to be grateful for.

I am a recovering drama queen and worrywart. Being histrionics was my thing: worrying myself to death and overdramatizing every single situation, real or imagined.

Over time, with a great therapist and some awesome coaching, I was able to shift this mindset, learn tools to redirect my thoughts, and get myself out of my head and into reality.

One of my favorite and most simple statements is, “Will this matter a year from now?” The answer is almost always a “no.” Most of the time, whatever the “crisis” is, it won’t matter in the morning.

My other favorite statement is, “You bring about what you think about.” How true is that? Seriously. How many times have you obsessed so much about something that wasn’t even happening, and then, ultimately, it became a reality?

Have you ever had a situation to which you didn’t give any energy and it eventually just disappeared?

That said, how we handle our thoughts and our fears is critical, and that’s why I say, perspective is everything, always.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, I did a week-long session on happiness. I did this not only for my followers and clients, but also for myself.

In that session, I explained how the mind is a powerful tool.

We have the power, most of the time, to determine our happiness level. I have learned from my experience that it’s all a matter of perspective. I know some people will not share this thought process with me, and I am okay with that. I, too, thought my happiness, comfort, and well-being was in the hands of everyone and everything but me. However, that is so untrue.

We are not victims.

We have the power, not over each other, but over ourselves. We have the ability to make changes. We have the tools to drive life in the direction we want it to go. We are the directors of the movie we call “life.”

The hardest part is about embracing the unknown. By changing our mindset, we are changing a deep-rooted thought process. It is hard to undo old, unhealthy habits, but it’s totally 100 percent possible. As a  matter of fact, this is the most important step in true happiness and contentment.

Happiness can come in many forms. This morning, right this second, nothing especially exciting is happening, except that, to me, everything right now is magical. It’s a warm, dewy, sunny morning. I am on my deck with my dog, and we are surrounded by my beautiful plants. I am looking out at the woods, and all I can hear are the birds chirping, the bees buzzing around my flowers, and the scurrying sounds of little creatures like chipmunks and even a woodchuck.

To me, this is magical. It’s the most amazing start to a day that can go in many ways. I’m happy, I’m grateful.

I empower you to find the magic in your own day.

Create it.

Dream it.

It’s there.



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author: Avesha Parker

Image: julika.illustration

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