August 2, 2020

10 Subtle Signs you’re a Victim of Gaslighting.

I think that’s the hardest part, right?

We all experience this sh*t, but we doubt ourselves; we can’t tell if we’re “overly sensitive” or it’s actually happening.

That’s the sticky part of this whole mind game. We lose ourselves so much that we genuinely don’t know up from down. And that’s their goal: to strip you of your self and gain control. They thrive on keeping you unsure and uncertain.

Here is a list of the 10 types of hidden psychological abuse we know as “gaslighting”:

 1. You don’t feel like you fit in anywhere.

 2. You question and doubt yourself.

 3. Your self-esteem is much lower since you’ve been around them.

 4. You become depressed.

 5. You’re constantly guilt-tripped.

 6. You are frequently let down by them.

 7. You are frequently lied to.

 8. Your fears are used against you.

 9. You’re isolated from others.

 10. You question everything. You question your own sanity.

I remember so many of these examples being a part of my daily life in past relationships. It made my stomach twist in knots to see it so plainly on a page, to see how deeply (and easily) my mental and emotional health was upended.

If you identify with any of these things, you are a victim of gaslighting. Don’t doubt your feelings. More often than not, we already know the answer, but we are so scared and confused we can’t even name it.


Watch this video for a more in-depth explanation of these warning signs:

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