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August 21, 2020

Attentive Mother and Successful Entrepreneur – These Things are NOT Mutually Exclusive

Move aside DC Comics, you may have Wonder Woman, but the real world has its fair share of superheroes. You may even be surprised to hear the superhero is YOU!

From balancing your home life to your business world, is it possible to carry out the perfect dance to assure that both components of your life are not only attended to – but thriving?  The answer is (thankfully) yes! By navigating your own business, personal, and home life with helpful tools and tricks, you may be surprised to see how smoothly everything can run.

Time is Your M.V.C. – Most Valuable Commodity 

What do you, Brené Brown, and Beyonce have in common? You’re each offered 24-hours a day to live life to your fullest. No amount of money, status, or bartering can gain you more time. However, time can be spent wasted on worries, poor planning, and toxicity. In order to help juggle both your family time and business ventures, it’s crucial to keep a routine and value the concept of time (and where it’s spent). 

For me this looks like setting strict office hours. That way, when work is over, I can be fully present for my husband and daughter. Additionally, I am a firm believer in the power of a great day planner and to-do list. I find that I am way more productive when I set clear and tangible goals for each day. 

‘You-Time’ Counts

One of the biggest misconceptions, when it comes to time, is that time spent meeting your personal needs is time wasted. I highly recommend altering that mentality. Whether it’s scheduling an hour into your day to meditate, take a nice walk, or enjoy a good bath bomb – detoxing and taking some ‘you-time’ will prove beneficial to both your job as a mother and business owner. 

I find that when I sign up for monthly subscriptions, I am more likely to follow through on ‘me time’. I have monthly massage and blowout memberships that are life-giving and worth every penny. I highly suggest finding what feeds your soul. When your hypothetical ‘tank’ is full, it makes it so much easier to pour into your clients and family. 

…But There’s No ‘I’ In Team 

Yes, you are a superhero (how else do you manage to raise a family and run a business), but it’s important to acknowledge that each step of the way was grown and developed with the help of one or many. Between balancing schedules at home with a partner or delegating projects at work, acknowledging the mentality ‘it takes a village’, can help relieve the stress and tension off your back. 

It has not been an easy journey, as a recovering Type A personality, but I finally know when to ask for help. Knowing the value of your time is a game changer. When the time to complete a task outweighs its worth, I pass it on to one of my many capable team members.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Those members of your village, lean on them when the weight becomes too much to manage. There’s no award to win, nor pride pin to wear for going at things alone – the ego can be a very toxic roadblock. If by chance, you feel like you don’t have the help or support you need, expand your team. If you need help at home,  caretakers like nannies or loved ones can offer a helping hand. For work, bringing on an assistant can bump up productivity ten-fold. 

It does not make you a bad mother to hire a babysitter, in fact, I find the opposite to be true. Many working or CEO mamas feel like they must spend all of their time away from work ‘momming’. This will leave you feeling physically and mentally drained with little to no patience– basically a recipe for disaster. Hire the babysitter, enjoy a date night, girls day, or ‘me time’ and be a kick-ass, super present mom when you get home. 

Discover What Gives You Energy 

To some, it’s a great cup of coffee, to others it’s an hour of yoga – whatever brings out a pep to your step, add it to your daily schedule. When both the mind and body are on board to take on the day, there’s no obstacle in both life and business that can’t be successfully tackled with energy and pizzaz. 

When I’m feeling drained I turn on my favorite Spotify playlist, pour myself a big ole’ cup of coffee, and jam out. Nothing gets my going like a good dance break. 

While a seemingly impossible task, we women can have it all! A beautiful, fulfilling family and a successful, thriving business; all it takes is a little TLC, recognition, and planning. 

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Cassandra Shuck  |  Contribution: 505