August 30, 2020

Don’t Ever Try to Find Me Here. {Poem}

There are still shadows in the dark

like on the backside of my heart,
the only place where my soul can disappear—
don’t ever try to find me here.

So, welcome to my dark side,
where my feelings switch to low tide.
He is gone and I move on,
and as I make my way through this void,
I start singing our song.

But numbness keeps me from shedding a single tear—
don’t ever try to find me here.

I dig my way through seven shades of emptiness,
seeking the unbound freedom that I’ve missed.
After letting go of a love that was long lost,
I’m burning the bridge that I’ve just crossed.

There’s no way back and no one near—
don’t ever try to find me here.

Maybe one day I’ll climb up the rock of love
and go back to the bright side of my heart,
searching for an unexpected dream
that awaits me on the other side of fear.

Another time, another year,
the right one will find me here.

When years have passed
and wounds have healed,
when only scars remain,
I promise to be near
on the day you travel through my atmosphere

And I promise to love harder
with every broken part
of my double-sided heart.

And whenever this will be, my dear,
I’ll be glad we found each other here
on the bright side,
where my feelings switch to high tide.


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Janine Friedrich  |  Contribution: 7,750

author: Janine Friedrich

Image: Luke Moss/Unsplash

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield

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