August 31, 2020

How I Found my Destiny—& How You Can, too.


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As humans, we think our destiny is a big, shiny thing waiting for us at the end of our lives.

But it’s not.

Our destiny is our present reality. Sometimes we are called to do things from a soul level because all of us came here with a mission.

When we’ve come to a certain point in our lives, there are missions that we are ready for. However, there are others that we approach with fear.

People might know that we have no idea what we’re doing. All we know is that we’re supposed to be doing this, here and now. And this is when people won’t like us. Not because there’s something innately wrong with us, but because we’re scared or unsure, and it shows—but we still do it, anyway.

They think something is wrong with us because they have no idea why we’re behaving the way we are. People don’t like what they can’t understand—it’s our human nature.

From a human point of view, we can practice transparency by shedding light on what we’re afraid of. We can make people aware of our limitations so we can work together better.

From a soul point of view, we can take the logic out of it.

Anything that makes us uncomfortable is a good indicator of what we need to work on.

There’s a saying in my culture: “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” In the language of energy, we can say: “One man’s harmony could result in another man’s karma.”

Some of us might get it straight away. We’re probably having an aha moment right now.

Feel it; let it go.

For those of us who aren’t quite there yet, there are laws that govern the universe. One of the highest laws of the universe is the law of harmony, followed by the law of karma. Most of us only know karma, thus we aren’t too familiar with harmony.

The laws of the universe are set up to help us become better. Harmony is the flow of everything for the highest good. This precedes the law of karma, which is when there is a lesson to be learned, and we must learn the lesson before anything changes in order to have something different in our reality.

Maybe this saying makes sense: “Be careful who you save because you might be interrupting someone’s karma.” This isn’t the whole truth—it’s maybe too simple. In order to know if we should save someone, we should practice discernment.

Discernment comes from understanding the laws of harmony and synchronicity, which is a universal perfect timing. When two beings are enlightened, I think there is more grace because they both understand that neither of them is trying to intentionally hurt the other. Consequently, there is harmony.

When I was doing some research on Ayahuasca, I read that there’s a part in the ceremony where everyone purges, screams, and cries. Funnily enough, among the Ayahuasceros, this is known as managing chaos.

I was thinking, how the hell are we supposed to concentrate on ourselves when that person over there is making so much noise? There’s ancient wisdom that tells us that the person who bothers us so much is here for us to learn from him.

In Vipassana meditation, we come back to three or four main questions when the mind starts to overthink.

>> To center ourselves, we ask, “Who am I?” Not the concept we have of ourselves, but we, as persons or souls, moving through this space-time reality.

>> The next question we need to ask ourselves is, “What do I want, and who needs to hear it?” This is a great guide to know with whom we must share certain things, and what we should keep for ourselves.

>> Then we ask, “What’s my purpose?” This isn’t always about grand-scale things, but what’s your purpose today? Asking ourselves this question helps us know how much time we’ve been wasting or how well we’ve been using our time in general. This is important because time is finite in this lifetime, within the human experience.

>> Lastly, we need to ask, “What is it I am grateful for?” There’s a misconception that if we express gratitude for certain things and not others, we might lose those things. This is why we seek to meditate every day—so that each time we can mention something else, and we won’t have to worry about that.

After six months of meditating, we might have a brand new up-to-date consciousness and reality about ourselves and the world. After some time, we may think, “All is well and good.”

I know that I am the universe experiencing itself as the universe.

I know I want to be a divine being and create, protect, and seek whatever it might be.

I also know I want to share this with myself, my family, my friends, and the world.

Where and how it happens is fated by the choices we make—fated by destiny. Choices are our destiny because, with every different choice we make, our lives have a different outcome.

Those outcomes are neither necessarily right nor wrong, they are just part of what’s going to lead us where we’re supposed to go—whether we’re going through harmony or karma.

I love this piece of poetry that explains what most of us can’t. Let’s take great concepts and make them small bite-sized:

“You need to stay. And you need to stay loudly. You’re afraid of making bad choices, but the truth is this: the tiniest actions will influence the course of the rest of your life and you cannot control it. So many factors play a part in you being here today: a delayed train, an extra cup of tea, the number of seconds your parents took to cross the street. This is chaos theory. Sensitivity. Mathematics. You are here. And every choice you ever made has led you to right now, reading this.” ~ S.R.W. Poetry 



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author: Eyna Mohamed

Image: ayaworldflow/Instagram

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