August 20, 2020

How to Tap into the Healing Vibes of a Road Trip without Leaving Home.

I did a pretty awesome road trip in 2019.

Six weeks of “I don’t know which day it is, and I don’t fucking care.” And yeah, it sure is good for your soul—even for your body and mind. But the thing about road trips is that they don’t last forever, unfortunately. There comes the time after.

In other words—well, let’s face it—I ran out of money. And to anyone who wants to say things like, “You know, maybe you would have been better off working than travelling around the world.” I don’t have any f*cks left for that kind of people (thanks to Sarah Knight).

It was absolutely worth it and I must say, I got pretty good at being broke. Maybe I am ready for rich people’s problems now, I thought.

So, the following 10 months, I worked my ass off. I worked without having holidays, sometimes even 14 or more days in a row without a day off. And as if that wasn’t enough, I did the five-month yoga teacher training course in Sydney, which was very expensive (like everything in Australia). It was a great time; I learned a lot, and in the first seven months, it was all good. I still had time for myself, friends, and fun things. But in the end, it got to be a little too much.

It was like I was trying to balance too many things on one tray, and because they didn’t fit on that, I was even using my hands, head, and feet. Guess how exhausting that can get for someone who is not even a multitasker with extrovert energy.

I was burnt out, but I didn’t really want to admit it to myself—and certainly not to family and friends. I struggled the last months with a little bit of everything. Anxiety, burnout, maybe even a pinch of depression and some pretty awful panic attacks.

I didn’t listen to my soul, so my body began to give me signs.

My mind, at first—you know how minds can be—didn’t take it seriously. But at some point it was too much, I had to stop. And you know what I needed then? A road trip, of course, and six weeks of “I don’t know which day it is, and I don’t f*cking care.”

But guess what? Even though I worked my ass off, there wasn’t a lot of money left. And no, I do not regret the expensive yoga teacher training. Sometimes we have to sacrifice. That’s life. Money comes and goes.

So when it all breaks down, then what?

I needed to help myself somehow. And this is how I “met” Brad Yates. Not on Tinder, but on YouTube.

If you ask me, this guy is not only an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, but a genius. He wrote the best-selling children’s book, The Wizard’s Wish, is the co-author of the best seller, Freedom at Your Fingertips, and a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution.” Why is he still relatively unknown?

So, what is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as Tapping)?

It is a tool that anyone can use and learn easily to achieve greater personal freedom, cope with difficult emotions, or help heal trauma. When nothing else will help, this, in most cases, will.

EFT is known as a notable healing method which is based on the same principles of acupuncture that have been used for thousands of years. The significant difference is that you don’t use needles, you need only your hands to tap and your mouth to speak.

There have been lots of studies that have shown thousands of cases of successful recovery and healing from an immense range of emotional, health, and performance issues through this technique.

But what does this have to do with a road trip?

Yates has a tapping video on healing which was the first video I watched while tapping along and repeating his words. Somewhere in the middle, he said the following:

“But if I were on a road trip…
Driving across the country…
I would probably stop off at least once or twice…
Take some kind of break…
And someone might ask what I’m up to…
And I’d still say that I was on a road trip…
Even though I wasn’t moving right then…
It would just be a stopover…
But it would not deny the truth…
That I am heading some place…
Same with my healing process…
I may be experiencing a temporary stopover…
But I am still on my way…
I still have the intent to heal and I’m moving forward…”

Wow! Not only has it helped me, but it has also convinced me that EFT is obviously of great benefit. If anyone would have told me years ago that I would try it, I would have smiled at them while thinking, “No way this alternative bullsh*t works.”

But after only one week of including EFT into my daily routine, I felt great results in relieving stress and other uncomfortable feelings. And it has been working and helping me ever since.

I know that I have my tool at hand—literally—whenever I need it.

So, do you struggle with anxiety, anger, or trauma?

Do you want to boost your immune system and heal from a cold or boost your confidence and energy to feel magnificent?

Do you want to attract abundance and happiness?

Well, Brad’s YouTube Channel is like a huge online shopping center. Select what you need right now and start tapping.

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Janine Friedrich  |  Contribution: 7,750

author: Janine Friedrich

Image: Eduardo Lempo/Pexels

Editor: Marisa Zocco

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