August 26, 2020

19 Questions to an Ex Lover.

What if?

What if we never met? We would not have experienced so many magic moments. We wouldn’t have the memories to hold forever.

What if there had been no hurt or pain? We would not have learnt how to grow. 

What if we never said, “I love you?” We would not have shared such amazing love—an undeniable tenderness.

What if we never opened our hearts? We would not have seen the light inside each other.

What if we didn’t take a chance? We would never have discovered a connection so deep.

What if we didn’t suffer? We would never have transformed our lives. We would never understand the blessings we shared.

What if we didn’t have such chemistry? We would never have experienced such intimacy.

What if we weren’t so raw and real? We would have never seen each other’s souls.

What if we never saw each other’s darkness? We would have never learnt about our own darkness—our own shadows.

What if we never held that mirror up to each other? We would never have discovered our true selves.

What if we hadn’t loved and lost so hard? We would never have learnt how to love ourselves.

What if we didn’t want the best for each other? We wouldn’t be inspired to chase our dreams.

What if we didn’t realise how lucky we were to share our time together? We would never have learnt such appreciation and gratitude.

What if we didn’t forgiveWe would never understand unconditional love.

What if we didn’t desire one another so much? We wouldn’t know how much passion we had for life.

What if we didn’t care so much? We would not be able to forever hold a small place in each other’s hearts.

What if we never motivated each other? We would never have taught each other so much.

What if the universe never set us on this path? We would never have realised this type of love existed; we would never have learnt our lessons.

What if we didn’t have to say goodbye? We would never have learnt how to let go with dignity and grace.

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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 117,920

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Aaron Alexander/flickr

Editor: Kate Force

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