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September 24, 2020

My God

My God


My God does not discriminate

My God is the truth

My God is all of us – my God is not exclusionary

My God is vast and contained in every molecule of every being and every plant and every flower


And every true word


My God looks like no one and everyone

My God sees everything and IS everything

My God is justice where man is not

My God is kindness where man is cruel

My God is not a man or a woman or an animal or a thing


My God is every thing


My God is nature in action pushing back against those who would do her harm

My God is not afraid – God and fear cannot co-exist

My God has no ego, doesn’t care if you believe or not


My God is in the atmosphere wherever there is an atmosphere

My God is forgiving when you ask to be forgiven and shows no pity if you don’t

My God created everything, my God can take it all away


My God is waiting for all the pieces of itself to wake up and see there is no God outside of ourselves.  We’re it.  No one is coming to save us.

We are as God as God gets




So …


Be aware.


Know that every time you turn your back on someone you’re turning away from a part of yourself that wants and needs to be seen by you and has landed in the person of another so you can see yourself.


Know that much of – possibly most of – everything you encounter is a distortion of the truth. A key to your freedom is understanding this.


Ask questions – question everything. If the answers ring false, don’t trust them. People lie to themselves – what makes you think they don’t lie to you?


My God doesn’t pretend it doesn’t know better. My God always IS better.


My God is the truth even when the truth is hard to take. My God does not spit itself back up. My God swallows.


My God doesn’t need to prove itself. It’s existence is proof enough. Which is to say OUR existence is proof enough.


My God wants you to know it’s just us.  It’s always been just us.


There are many who have been waiting to be heard, waiting until it’s safe enough to come out and speak the truth. Well, it isn’t safe, never was, never will be. The illusion of safety is pedaled by marketing people who prey on your fears and insecurities so they can offer you their cure.  That’s one way they control you.  They too are God.


We are all part of the social network. It’s just a hell of a lot bigger and insidious than we imagined, IF we could have imagined.


Our relationships, intimate and otherwise, are the only chances we have to see ourselves outside of our own prejudices.


And because we are so distracted by the material world and its dangers, we keep not getting it. We keep blowing it.


And while there’s so much beauty in the physical world, it’s beauty comes from within itself, same as us.


Look under every petal of every flower: God is there.

Witness every protest, God is there, too.


God is present where there is love.  In those places where God can’t be seen, we’ve forgotten ourselves.


We used to know.


We’ve been fooled into thinking we’re powerless by those who know better and those who don’t know better.. They’re in their own prisons, even as we watch them from our own.


The truth is, we’re all Gods: men, women, children, black, white, pink, blue, Asian, Jewish, Catholic, Indigenous… in every shape, size and shade.


There is no God

God is us

We are God


But you knew that.


This is just a reminder.


You’re welcome.

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