October 14, 2020

10 Steps for Setting Beautiful, Badass Boundaries.


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Have you ever said “yes” when you wanted to say “no,” and then felt totally resentful?

Yep, me too.

That’s the tricky thing about being an empath, healer, and nurturer—not overloading our plate is difficult because of a genuine desire to be of service to others.

The trouble is, our cup will eventually run dry. Then we’ll operate from a place of hostility and obligation, which feels yucky and has a distinctly negative energy.

In order to keep our vibe high and our interactions healthy, we’ve got to establish healthy boundaries that protect and empower us. The deeper the commitment to our limits, the more effective we’ll be with every interaction.

Below is a list of 10 ways to set beautiful boundaries and help you on your journey.

1. Learn to Say No

“No” is a complete sentence. It requires no further explanation and it’s an acceptable answer to anything that doesn’t feel right. Trust your instincts. If the answer is “no,” say so. It may take some getting used to, but your ability to master this word will change the game for your relationships. Being firm on where you stand teaches others what you will and won’t accept.

2. Start Small

It can feel daunting to establish boundaries. Start with something small and work your way up. Having uncomfortable conversations is a skill to master, so get tiny wins under your belt. Speak with conviction and consideration. When you communicate with integrity, your message will be better received. After you’ve built up your confidence, move on to more daunting conversations.

3. Be Assertive

It can feel tough to find your voice, especially if you’re used to people-pleasing. Be assertive and broach tough conversations respectfully and thoughtfully. Listen to understand, not to respond, and be firm with your needs. Being true to yourself is empowering, and keeping an unyielding position will serve to create deeper, more honest connections.

4. Seek Support

If you’re finding it difficult to cultivate boundaries, reach out for help. Talk to a friend, family member, church/support group, or counsellor. Communicate your desires and ask for guidance on best practice to express your needs. We could all use a helping hand, so connect with people who build you up and can offer practical advice for conveying your limits.

5. Prioritize Yourself

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. When you honour your needs and prioritize yourself, you generate feelings of love and abundance. Tap into what feels right and what leaves you feeling depleted. By making self-care a priority, you create space to be of service to others. Tune in to what your heart is saying. Speak and act from a place of your highest ideals and you will cultivate generative connections with others.

6. Be Direct

Beating around the bush is an exhausting way to operate. When you are concise, you effectively cut out all the bullsh*t. By being direct, you eliminate much of the misinterpretation and misunderstandings that can accompany evasive communication. Speak your truth and speak it clearly. Not only will it save time, it will also alleviate mixed messages and unclear expectations.

7. Acknowledge your Limits

Before you can effectively communicate your boundaries, you must first know what they are. Go inward. Ask yourself where you stand on a particular topic or situation. Notice how it feels in your body. Does it give you a sinking feeling in your chest? A headache? Nausea? Tune into sensations and tap into your heart. Get clear on where you stand. Perhaps write it down or talk it through. The more concise you are with your limits, the easier it will be to express them to others.

8. Overcome Guilt

Setting boundaries may make you feel guilty. Being genuine and being a martyr feels very different. Operating from integrity results in identifying personal limits and effectively communicating them. Operating from martyrdom results in poor boundaries and guilt sensations when presented with an opportunity to say “no” (despite wanting to). By recognizing feelings of guilt, you can learn to move through them. See it as proof that you’re on the right track.

9. Self-awareness

Get in touch with your triggers, belief systems, and thought patterns. Identify where you struggle to set limits. Before you can establish boundaries, you must first discern where you struggle to implement them. The more in tune you become, the quicker you will be able to establish and enforce healthy limits.

10. Core Values

Make your boundaries about you. Decide who you are, what you value, what you believe, and what is most important. When you establish clarity around your highest ideals, you will make decisions and communicate from this place. Your conviction leads to authenticity and healthier limits, both personally and in your relationships.

Be mindful and be open while expressing your needs. Boundaries are a muscle that takes time to build and grow. Be gentle with yourself as you establish a new framework in your life.

You are a badass.

With Love and Light.


Refrences: Psych Central and Healthline.

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author: Chivonne Monaghan

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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