October 6, 2020

Oh my Darling Ego—Why Can’t I just Let you Go? {Poem}


Oh Ego
Why can’t I just let you go?
Why do I keep falling in your grasp?
Why do I need to be one with you?
Is there any way to get rid of you forever?
I guess you have a purpose
I guess I used you to try and heal my feelings of insignificance
Instead I only covered it up.
I masked it and it only lead to greater feelings of insignificance,
of separation.
I felt unworthy,
unworthy of love,
Of acceptance,
I used you to feel worthy,
It only led to deeper unworthiness.
Seeking worthiness from Ego is like trying to find love from a man who only values your body and will never connect to your soul.
I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you disappear.
Hiding in the shadow, you create emptiness with a million different vices lining the walls.
The amount of suffering in this world caused by you is vast and unending.
Why can’t I seek out enlightenment and be free of you?
It’s not that simple, I suppose.
You are part of my being,
Part of being a human being.
The more I fight you,
The more I struggle.
I can only accept it for what it is.
Seeking out acceptance,
Seeking out love,
Healing the brokenness within.
Everything that tells me I’m not worthy,
I’m not deserving of love.
Waking up to the fact that every human being is worthy of being loved.
Connected by the innermost threads of our being.
We are one in the same
Not less than
Not more than.
This is the only way I will be free.


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Kristina Buhler  |  Contribution: 1,390

author: Kristina Buhler

Image: Maria Lysenko/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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