9.7 Editor's Pick
October 13, 2020

Sincerely, the Sister Left Behind by Suicide.

There should be a larger hole on Earth without that beautiful smile.

Your grave has given me a lifetime membership to a club I never knew existed

I’ve come around here every once in a while

Usually when I’m at my lowest

You and your mind have gone to the places I’ve been 

These thoughts that most people have blacklisted 

They keep their eyes down to dismiss what they are told is a sin

All around me, people turn to their god and finish their prayers with amen 


I’m not mad at your choice since I know the pain has subsided 

It’s those who need to hear the truth, who instead, look away as though they were blinded  

The world needs to listen and see the holes being created every day 

They need to stop passing the darkness off as just a moment in time

Then they sit and wonder why he couldn’t just stay

Then they’re all asking if they missed a sign


Your hole on Earth isn’t who you were

Your heart and smile have lasted through the fog of misery 

So much identity for those who knew you to adore 

But you’ve outlived your wild stories told by your friends

Packed up on shelves or given away are all of your odds and ends  


The only thing I can do is tell our stories of the wars against our own minds

Each page I hope can diminish the holes being left behind

Every word I hope can help change mankind

Until every star in the universe is realigned 


This won’t bring you back, little brother 

All of those years filled with our laughter are magnified 

To know we won’t ever have another 


The sister left behind by suicide 


Author's Own



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Brittany Walter  |  Contribution: 3,295

author: Brittany Walter

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chopra

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