November 6, 2020

If you’re down, be good to yourself and listen. If you’re up, be good to others and share. ~ Waylon Lewis

My new book is coming out. Here’s an excerpt:


If you’re down, be good to yourself and listen.

If you’re up, be good to others and share.

Rough day? Chaos? Stress? Drama?

Don’t take it out on others. Take care of yourself. What do you need?⁠ Sometimes it’s as simple, and hard, as going for a walk without your phone, or cuddling with your dog, or taking one big deep breath. Try doing so, right now? I’ll join you.

Good day? Who could you lend a hand to? Send a kind message out-of-the-blue to? Nothing makes life sweeter than the feeling of being there for somebody. ⁠It’s cliché, perhaps, because in this case, it’s true.


The above is an excerpt from Waylon H. Lewis’ forthcoming book, It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with Your Life: Practical Buddhist advice for Everyday Life. It’s 108 quotes, with commentary. Pre-order it here and save $5.

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