Every insecurity I hold about my body I have heard someone say.
Every insecurity about myself has been something I’ve learnt from the outside world.
My body does not make me feel uncomfortable until I hear the words of another shame or judge some part of me.
My body at home is appreciated for the life it gives but when I am not at home my insecurities are loud and clear and I do not feel enough.
I have realized I am insecure in the sense that I am always never enough in someone’s eyes.
I tend to take on the views of others. So when they tell me I am x, I tend to feel insecure about x, and have to delve deeper into my worth to know this is only a perspective. I am still working on this.
When I am alone I tend to only feel my body and feel overwhelmed in the way I feel exhausted, or struggling in life.
At home I learnt to view my body as neutral, my dad taught me this, and being an athlete taught me this. You see when I was younger I had less cellulite and scars—but my skill level and acceptance of my non-perfect-society being, is today far superior.
I know looks don’t hinder me from movement or happiness (that’s society talking), only my mind does.
When I think of what I love about my body…
…I love my legs as I can stand on this earth and walk side by side with everyone, and my loved ones.
…I love my hips, as they carried my daughter and my star child.
…I love my arms because they can lift others up when they are down.
…I love my chest because it holds my heart and, no matter how many times I’ve been hurt, my heart always brings me kindness and faith in better tomorrows.
…I love my eyes and head because it holds my many lessons learned, beautiful sights and memories, and hopes of life.
But the greatest gift for me, in this life, are my thoughts.
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