December 11, 2020

TIME Magazine named Kamala Harris & Joe Biden “Person of the Year” (& I’m all about It).


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What an empowering day for America!

I remember crying on my couch as I watched President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris greeting the world with the wonderful news that they had won.

I remember thinking it was such a big moment for us. And I say “us” because it truly affects each and every soul whether you’re living in the United States or not.

Her caption for this photo perfectly depicts the gravity and poignance of it all:

Honored to be named TIME’s Person of the Year with President-elect @JoeBiden. We’re at a moment where we’re being confronted by multiple crises that have converged—a public health crisis, an economic crisis, a long-overdue reckoning on racial injustice, and a climate crisis. We have a lot we need to handle in the days ahead but I know together we can get it done.

The NY Times reminds us that, “Time has noted that its selection process is not a popularity contest, however. Its choice reflects “the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill.”

(I think they chose well!)

Yes. Yes. Yes. Congrats to both of them, and may the coming four years be years of great growth and healing.

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