This article is written in partnership with Je Joue—they’re dedicated to sexual pleasure and empowerment. We’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.
We experience pleasure like we see colors—each of us in a completely unique and subjective way.
And, like the color spectrum, sexual pleasure comes in a variety of orgasmic shades and intensities.
All the same, most of us tend to stick to one or two familiar hues. Which is totally cool. It’s good to know what we like, from favorite colors to sure-fire sex moves.
But you never know what you’re missing until you try something new, right? So, vulva-owners of all varieties, listen up:
How many ways can you come? And does the number even matter?
According to the many pop-science articles on the topic, anywhere from four to 15. As far as actual science is concerned, there’s still a lot of debate.
It comes back to pleasure being subjective. How do you measure an orgasm? What are the criteria? What might feel like earth-shattering rapture to one person is just a tingle to another. It’s a difficult topic to research and quantify. (1.)
Why talk about different types of orgasms at all, then?
There’s one good reason: to open up our eyes to the rainbow of pleasure available to us all.
If we all knew just how diverse pleasure can be, we might feel a little less stress and stigma around sex. We might also discover some fun new ways to turn ourselves (or our partners) on and get us (or them) off.
So, with a little help from the pleasure connoisseurs at Je Joue—the luxurious, sex-positive, elegantly naughty sex toy company—here’s a handy guide to orgasming the rainbow.
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There are 10 Different Types of Orgasms: Tips & Toys to Experience Them All.

Orgasm the rainbow.
Don’t think of this as some kind of orgasm bucket list or find-the-pot-of-gold treasure hunt.
Remember, the way you experience pleasure is unique in all the world. Rather think of it as a kind of…panorama of possibilities to explore as far and as wide as you like.
Pick and choose from Je Joue’s range of sensual and satisfyingly functional toys as you discover new ways to orgasm, or just enjoy your own body without any destination in mind:
1. Clitoral.
Freud had no idea what he was talking about: real women have clitoral orgasms. In fact, clitoral pleasure goes way deeper than most of us realize.
Read more: The Clitoris 101: It’s an Iceberg—Not a “Button.”
Tips & Toys: Depending on how much pressure and stimulation you prefer, a circular, clockwise motion using the flats of your fingertips tends to work best.
Add in Je Joue’s Classic Bullet with the finger sleeve, and your hand becomes a vibrator.
If you prefer a deeper, more widespread stimulation, Mimi is just the ticket: use it with similar circular movements or hold it in place and move your body against the toy.
For partnered sex, a position like Table Top or Spooning which leaves hands (yours or your partner’s) free to do any of the above works a treat. If you want to keep your hands free to explore elsewhere, Je Joue’s Mio is a delicious addition to penetrative sex. It adds a surprisingly deep rumble of clitoral pleasure, no matter the angle. For grinding rather than thrusting, Mio works best in a position like Face-Off.
2. G-spot.
The G-spot is a bit like an emotionally available man: some believe it exists, some don’t. Like orgasm itself, it’s not well understood, partly because it’s so subjective. Some say it’s just the clitoris. Some say it’s something else entirely. Regardless, that ridged or bumpy area on the top wall of your vagina, about halfway between your vaginal opening and your cervix, has the potential to turn a pastel pink orgasm into a rich, satisfying shade of fuschia.
Tips & Toys: The “come hither” movement is the classic G-spot hitter if using hands. It’s tricky to do with your own hands, so a good toy is a must if you’re flying solo.
Je Joue’s G-Spot Bullet is designed to hit just this spot, and their seductive-looking Uma gives more of a massaging movement using the contours of the toy to mimic the “come hither” finger action.
Best penetrative positions: Cowgirl, but grinding back and forth, not up and down (this is also how the Mio cock ring should always be used, to massage or grind rather than thrust); Doggy, but with your forearms flat on the bed; and Closed missionary, keeping your legs straight.
3. A-spot (anterior).
While both G-spot and A-spot are technically vaginal orgasms, they are two distinctly different sensations, basically emanating from opposite walls of the vagina. According to Medical News Today, “The A-spot is an erogenous area that sits at the top of the vagina, between the cervix and the bladder.”
Tips & Toys: To explore your A-spot, you’ll either need to ask a partner to lend a hand or grab a suitable toy, since it can be hard to reach.
Try inserting two fingers and performing a “fluttering” movement where you quickly run the tips of your fingers together while squeezing them together to tap the anterior wall and hit the A-spot. If using toys, try a multi-purpose, bendable vibrator, like Uma or G-Kii, to suit your body shape and pleasure preference.
Best positions for penetrative sex include Elevated Missionary and Rear Entry Missionary.
4. Cervical (also known as the deep spot).
Your cervix starts at the base of your uterus and stretches to your vagina. Think of it like a neck made of tissue that connects the two parts. (2.) For some women, it’s possible to experience a full-body orgasm from stimulating the cervix.
Tips & Toys: Similar to the A-spot in that it appreciates a steady, massage-like pressure over repeated stimulation. Some tantric massage techniques use hands alone to stimulate the cervix, but there’s a lot of arm action required and it can be hard to get right. Penetrative stimulation is generally a more reliable bet.
If using toys, Uma or G-Kii are best equipped to apply the right kind of pressure to such a deep spot. And in penetrative sex, any position that allows for deep penetration, like Missionary with legs over your partner’s shoulders or Doggy is most likely to get there.
5. Blended Orgasm.
A blended orgasm is basically a colorful orgasm mash-up. This term is often used to describe what happens when we experience more than one kind of vaginal orgasm at once, but blended orgasms can include any combination of the above and below types.
Tips & Toys: Since blended orgasms happen when more than one area is being stimulated at the same time, hands-full or hands-free, you’re only limited by your imagination.
The same is true of toys you can use to experience more full-body, blended orgasms: try rubbing Mimi Soft around your clit and vulva with one hand while using the other hand to massage your nipples and breast tissue. Fifi or G-Kii work well for simultaneous G-spot, clitoral stimulation. G-Kii or Dua are good for a blended orgasm “on the go.” The Mio Cock Ring can also make it easier to enjoy a hands-free blended orgasm during penetrative sex.

Mimi & Mio make a fine pair.
The Ohm position is also good for this as it allows for deep penetration while the person on top can be in control of the movement around and access to the clit.
6. Nipple.
According to one study (3.), “researchers discovered that stimulation of the nipple activated an area of the brain known as the genital sensory cortex. This is the same brain region activated by stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, and cervix. What this means is that women’s brains seem to process nipple and genital stimulation in the same way.”
Tips & Toys: Experiment with self-or partner-stimulation using hands and fingers, during other stimulation or stand-alone. Oral stimulation opens up a whole world of breast-based pleasure, too. Any toys can work here, but try slipping Mimi into a bra or using a Rabbit Bullet to tickle or straddle the nipples.
7. Mental (also fantasy or sleep).

Your biggest sex organ is your brain, after all.
Mental orgasms are brought on by those intimate thoughts and fantasies we often tend to keep under wraps, sometimes even from ourselves. Sleep orgasms are an interesting sub-category. Did you know women have wet dreams, too?! It’s not clear whether these are caused by the mental fantasy, stimulation from bedding, or a combination of both.
Tips & Toys: We may have had the experience where we fantasized so hard that we’ve had to excuse ourselves for a bit of manual relief, but with enough practice, apparently you can experience the release without the touching. Either way, the best way to strengthen our biggest sex organ is to practice using it, in combination with our favorite toys. And if you have a partner, muster the courage to share just one fantasy and get them involved.
8. Anal.
While men have the prostate gland that enables them to experience an actual anal orgasm, womxn are a bit different. It’s actually the stimulation of surrounding areas, particularly the A-spot (4.) that allows us to experience what we call anal orgasm. Because anal is so strongly tied to taboo and naughtiness, this kind of orgasm can be linked to the mental orgasm as well.
Tips & Toys: Anal isn’t for everyone, but with the right amount of preparation, relaxation, and lubrication, it can be a damn sight more enjoyable than most womxn might expect. The key is to take it slow.
A butt plug is a great place to start, either during clitoral stimulation or vaginal penetration, or both. Je Joue has a range of Butt Plugs in various sizes to get you started. If you want to be really thorough, they even have an Anal Training Kit and Education Set. Nuo is their vibrating butt plug for anal aficionados.
9. Oral (kissing).

There’s a kiss and then there’s a kiss.
Also known as an orgasmic kiss, it can be experienced in its own right, during foreplay, or to sustain an orgasm that has been achieved during penetrative sex. Reaching orgasm through kissing alone requires deep focus and commitment, but since your lips are such a sensitive area, packed with nerve endings, it’s definitely possible.
Tips & Toys: Experiment with variations of pressure and sensation: tickling, nibbling, brushing the lips. Variations in temperature are also fun to play around with: try sucking an ice-cube or sipping some warm tea in between locking lips. This can also add a new element to oral sex. Put a Bullet or Mimi under your chin while kissing or performing oral sex for a totally new kind of sensation: vibrating mouth.
10. Core (pelvic floor).
This is not just some clever ploy to get more womxn into the gym. It’s an actual thing some women say they experience during exercise, particularly abdominal-focused exercise, which may mean it’s really a pelvic floor orgasm since those muscles can be engaged during intense abdominal activity.
Tips & Toys: The best way to improve your chances of experiencing a “coregasm” is to strengthen your pelvic floor. And this isn’t the only reason to do it: a stronger pelvic floor improves all-round sexual satisfaction, as well as better bladder control as we age.
Je Joue’s Ami is the progressive kegel set everyone with a vagina should have. Once your pelvic floor is…fit enough, you can even wear them while you exercise. The inner balls of Ami move around inside the silicone casing, producing gentle vibrations. The more vigorously you work out, the stronger the vibrations created.
Read more: The Low-down on Lifting Weights with your Bits.
There are so many ways to enjoy our bodies. Here’s to experiencing sexy new sensations and pushing the limits of our orgasmic potential.
But remember:
Pleasure over pressure. Exploration over destination.
(1.) Clue
(2.) Healthline
(3.) Luvze
(4.) Healthline
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