January 6, 2021

An Emotional First Aid List we all Need.

“Whatever we resist persists.” ~ Unknown


It is time to focus on self and draw your focus in on what you desire by setting your intentions and letting go of the past.

It’s time to heal old wounds and make room for your amazing new story. But…before we can manifest our intentions, there are steps we need to take to clear out any negative energy so we are able to draw in what we desire most. I call these steps an emotional first aid list.

By focusing on our emotional first aid and clearing the negative from our life, we will ensure that our path is clear for us to manifest and accept our deepest desires.

Accepting is key here—so many times, we draw in what we desire, but, because we are riddled with past trauma-causing negative energy to live inside us, we ultimately are not able to fully accept and embrace what we draw in. The key to being able to accept is to clear out any emotional energy that is negative by resolving the trauma.


Follow the steps below to start the clearing process:

Set your mantra (one of mine is below).

I am truth
I am loved
I am strong
I am beautiful
I am safe
I am balanced
I am happy

*Create your own if these don’t resonate.

Stop running away from your feelings.

>> Sit with self, and allow unpleasant feelings to wash over you.

>> Be still and surrender to the emotion no matter how uncomfortable you feel.

>> Use your intuition and memory to dig out the root cause of your emotion and discomfort.

Completely accept where you are at! You are exactly where you are meant to be.

Burn your fears.

Write down on small strips of paper, any and all of your negative feelings, obsessive thoughts, and anything else you want to release, and then burn them.

Be grateful for where you are, at this moment!

Keep your best qualities on file (compliments you have received).

Write them down and have them with you, always!

Stop putting off your passions.

Instead, pour your energy into them.

Journal a list of whatever brings you joy, start slow, and immerse yourself. Do not overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything on your list at once.

Find your creativity and explore it!

Count your blessings.

Cultivate a daily gratitude practice.

List the five things you are most grateful for and be specific—spend time journaling about those things and why they are so special to you.

Fall in love with your life and raise your vibration.

>> Make peace with your past—your past does not define you.

>> Focus on your positive emotional energy—stay clear of negative thoughts.

>> Find your personal power—you have this power in you even if you don’t feel it.

>> Look to attract the things you deserve and feel worthy of—you are worthy and you are enough.

Ways to raise your vibration.

Become conscious of your thoughtseverything you say or feel becomes your reality. When a negative thought pops up, acknowledge it, thank it, dismiss it, and turn it into something positive.

Shift your perspective from a negative mindset to a positive one. This can be done immediately and the change will be felt almost instantly.

Surround yourself with beautiful things that bring you peace (create a sacred space).

Be conscious of the foods you eat.

Drink water.

Meditate/be still.

Be grateful.

Practice acts of kindness.

Get your blood pumping:
be active
practice yoga
just move…

Take a salt bath.

Walk barefoot in nature.

Be creative.


Be nice to strangers.

Go to the ocean.


“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears!” ~ Unknown


1. List the things that bring you joy and identify lack, then work on how to draw those things you lack in.

2. List three things you enjoy the most and focus on why you enjoy them.

3. List the things you want to do in your lifetime knowing that life is limitless.

4. List your long-term and short-term goals and how you are going to work to achieve them.

5. List your relationship goals (be specific), what is it that you want?

6. List your financial and career goals and how you are going to get there.

7. Find a good coach who can help guide you on your journey.

Create a new story, chapter by chapter, and watch the magic unfold!


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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: monicore/Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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