January 22, 2021

I’m a Man—& I’m “Too Emotional?”


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When I was a boy, I was very sensitive and emotional.

However, I got the message that I was too sensitive, too emotional, and too much.

So, what did I do?

I did my best to bury this part of me. I stuffed it.

While this helped me get in trouble less, and get affection and acceptance more…

…I would soon learn this would also come with a heavy price tag.

Once I started dating women in my 20s, they wanted my emotions, my sensitivity, my heart.

But it was all locked behind a steel vault. So, I’d reject them as a way to feel better.

I remained an emotionally unavailable man until one day, I cracked.

If you judge yourself as too sensitive, emotional, or needy, you’ll want to listen to this and heed the message at the end.

I hope this serves you in some way.


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Jayson Gaddis  |  Contribution: 16,680

author: Jayson Gaddis

Image: maniacodamore/Instagram

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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