January 17, 2021

Everything will be Different this Time. I Promise.

New Year, I promise.

We make sure the fuel tank is not empty.

We make sure our phones are charged.

We make sure our stoves are turned off before we head out for the day.

We make sure we call the gardener to take out all the weeds.

We also call our plumber to fix any annoying taps.

Then we dust our expensive china and silver before the big dinner party we host.

We also do not forget to flick magazines and get our scoop on Hollywood while we queue at the store.

We also do not forget to whip out our smartphones to get a quick hit of social media.

“I am sorry, I think I have to take a raincheck,” we respond to our friend.

We postpone our massage appointment because there is too much to do in a day.

Why do we always come last and push our needs away?

Why do we feel guilty or selfish when we take time for ourselves?

Well, this year is going to be different.

This year, I promise I will.

This year, I promise to go out just to feel the sun and breathe in the refreshing wind.

This year, I promise to call my friend and go see a movie that we both will not stop talking about.

This year, I promise to put down my phone and see and hear.

This year, I promise to be kind to myself and congratulate myself for all my wins.

Our minds and bodies need time to rest and recharge like our phones and cars—the things we hold so dearly.

We need it so we can offer our best to everyone we love and adore.

So, I promise: this year, I will take care of myself by doing something small each day, week, or month.

Yes, this new year, I promise.

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Chathu De Silva  |  Contribution: 1,215

author: Chathu De Silva

Image: Erik Mclean/pexels

Editor: Kate Force

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