January 8, 2021

Hair Loss is Not a “Normal Part of Aging”—How to Reverse It, Naturally. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with UMZU—they’re dedicated to helping us find a natural way to put our bodies back in order, and we’re honored to work with them. ~ed.


Doesn’t it seem strange?

We’ve put people in space and destroyed entire cities with nuclear weapons but we haven’t yet solved something as simple as hair loss.

Christopher Walker—neuroscientist, founder of holistic wellness community and science-based natural supplement company, UMZU—will tell you otherwise.

“The truth is the cause of hair loss has already been solved. The research exists and it’s sitting in plain sight right where anyone can find it.”

Like most things, the truth about hair loss is staring us right in the face:

Hair loss is not a natural part of aging.

Nor is the testosterone decline that leads to it for many men. And, as is the case with most symptoms of hormonal imbalance, it can be stopped—even reversed. Without the need for medication, scalp treatments, or surgery.

Yes, I’m talking hair growing back. Zero transplants. Completely naturally.

Wait. What?

Disbelief was my initial reaction to this particular truth bomb, too. If that really is true, why isn’t it common knowledge? The answer is simple, according to Chris:

“Thanks to our old friends Greed and Dogma, going under the monickers these days of Big Pharma and Big Science, nobody will hear about it. In this case billion dollar drugs like Finasteride are creating life-altering—often irreversible, side effects in thousands every year, including documented suicides, and it’s time we shine some light on the darkness.”

Hair loss is also by no means an exclusively male disease.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 40% percent of women experience visible hair loss by the time they are 40 years old.

While it is undoubtedly a difficult and painful experience for the many men who experience it, hair loss is arguably more devastating for women, for whom it’s not commonly thought of as “normal.”

So, what really causes hair loss?

The underlying causes of hair loss, though they are many and complex, boil down to three basic things, all of which result in hormonal imbalance.

1. Nutrient deficiency.

Most of us are deficient in a number of key nutrients, especially micronutrients. For example, did you know that 100% of Americans are deficient in potassium, 92% in choline, 74% in Vitamin D, and 67% in Vitamins E & K? Those are some whopping numbers. Because, no matter how healthy our diet, the sad fact is our foods are not as nutritious as they used to be, thanks to soil degradation and the long-term use of pesticides.

2. Stress.

Unhealthy and prolonged elevation of cortisol levels can disrupt the balance of other hormones in the body. Living in low-level fight-or-flight mode the way many of us have been over the past year, and even the toll that fighting Covid takes on our systems can leave us in a state of chronic imbalance. So it’s not surprising then that a lot of people who’ve battled Covid are experiencing hair loss as a long-term side-effect. It’s known as telogen effluvium, and it all boils down to stress.

3. Environmental factors.

Woman with greying hair

Try this 100% natural solution for hair loss & thinning hair >>

Hormone disruptors are everywhere, from pesticides sprayed on our food, to chemicals that leach from the plastics we come into contact with every day (and not just BPA which has been widely eliminated, only to be replaced with other alternatives that are just as bad), to personal care products (shampoo, toothpaste, even hand sanitizers) laced with parabens and phthalates. Pretty terrifying.

Over time, these daily disruptions can add up to a severe imbalance. An imbalance that even an intelligent, self-healing, finely-tuned natural machine like the human body is unable to correct on its own.

The good news? Control and balance these hormones through proper nutrition, micronutrient correction, and stress management and you will reverse your hair loss.

Yes, you can reverse hair loss, naturally. And so much more than that.

The same principle applies to the vast majority of our most common modern health complaints. Because the other inconvenient but liberating truth is this:

Our health problems are our fault.

It’s a bold statement. Even seemingly insensitive. But Chris is one of few people uniquely qualified to make it.

Years ago, as a young neuroscience student, he was diagnosed with a tumor on his pituitary gland.

The tumor caused his hormonal health to suffer, leading to a number of related problems. Doctors responded by trying different synthetic hormone solutions, but Chris held a strong belief that a natural solution—one without side effects—must exist…

Using all of the research tools available to him during his time at Duke University, Chris set off to find a natural hormone solution. He researched clinical studies and organized them in a way that, when systematically used together, ultimately cured him of his hormonal imbalance and of the tumor itself.

Chris later decided to publish his findings to help others across the world. He built a trusted community of like-minded people following the path to natural hormonal health.

After some time, he began receiving repeated requests from members of his holistic health community. They wanted him to use his research to create better supplements with quality ingredients and without fillers or other additives that negatively impacted the very hormonal balance they were trying to achieve.

Thus began UMZU.

Chris and his team think of themselves as more than just a business. They’re dedicated to the point of obsession with walking their talk. And through this dedication, they’re created the most supportive, informative, and encouraging holistic health community in the world.

What sets these guys apart from the health hacker, wellness influencer rabble out there today is that everything they create, from their educational content to their products, is based in actual science. Actual science as in research papers and medical studies—not opinion, anecdote, or conjecture.

So, let’s circle back to hair loss, and more good news for anyone struggling with it, for whatever reason.

The Ultimate Hair Restoration Stack: a totally natural way to reverse (yes, reverse) hair loss.

This potent combination of superstar supplements is made up of six crucial nutritional building blocks that work synergistically to support natural hair growth and restore your full head of hair to its former glory:

6 Superstar Supplements to Support Natural Hair Health.

1. zuCollagen Protein

More than just collagen protein, this is a unique and potent hydrolyzed natural blend of 5 different collagen types that support your skin's elasticity and glow, helps your circulatory system, your gut, joints and cartilage. The amino acids in zuCollagen also support thicker hair growth and healthy hair follicles. Take 1-2 scoops daily in your smoothies, coffee, or add to your favorite recipes.
Shop Now
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Grab the whole stack (includes all 6) at a discounted price >>

“UMZU has helped to reverse many issues going on in my body, one being hair loss. Several years ago, I started having thyroid issues out of nowhere. My hair started falling out and thinning, and my weight loss came to a screeching halt. I started to stress about why things were happening the way they were. I discovered UMZU and started doing research as their platform had a vast wealth of information. I discovered the root causes of what was causing my hair loss and started using various products and implementing lifestyle changes to improve the state of my health overall. zuCollagen was one of the first products I used that helped my hair, nails, and skin. It also helps support my metabolic function. Thyrite I used exclusively for my thyroid function and one of the underlying issues with hair loss or thinning hair loss is an improperly functioning thyroid. Additionally, the use of Cortigon has helped to deregulate stress that would also contribute to hair loss. All in all, UMZU has helped me get me to my normal self. Even though I am not 100 percent back yet, I am a lot closer to my goals than if I did not have UMZU’s help.” ~ Rashad


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Khara-Jade Warren  |  Contribution: 75,475

author: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: Baylee Gramling/Unsplash

Image: Kelly Newton/Unsplash