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February 20, 2021

Meal Planning For Diabetics Can Be Easy and Joyful

Photo by Sean Hayes on Pexels.

Shobha is in love with her son-in-law. He is the most caring one she has in her family, just a call away from fulfilling basic household needs and emergencies. He is a shopaholic, hard-working boss, has all the frills and luxuries of life, travels abroad two times a year, is well-dressed and well-chauffeured. And what about eating, wining and dining? Sorry, there isn’t anything positive to hear on this front. Doctors have advised him to stay away from sugar and refined foods, the more the better.

Good living is the end product of lifestyle habits, so are illnesses. Some health issues are genetic and some lifestyle-related. Think how hard it is for a diabetic to stop the sweet cravings. Yes, it is a major task to resist yourself from a bowl of caramel custard or kheer topped with pistachios, especially when your wife is monitoring your diet. Ugh…it’s a plight that can get on your nerves.

But relax. There are practicing and consulting diabetologists and nutritionists who have ready-made tips and diet charts that can help an acute diabetic, a borderline diabetic or a pre-diabetic get the best of nutrition despite this bothering ailment.

A Statistical look at Diabetes the world over

As per the updated January 2015 fact sheet of the World Health Organisation, the findings on diabetes are startling.       

(1) In 2014, the global prevalence of diabetes reached 9% among adults aged 18+ years.

(2) In 2012, about 1.5 million deaths happened because of diabetes.

(3) More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low and middle-income countries.

(4) WHO projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030.

(5) A healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining normal body weight, and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

The Recommended Diet for Diabetics

Some foods are a strict no-no for diabetics. For example, white and refined bread, pasta and fried, processed and fatty foods. Dry fruits are a misfit for diabetics, as the fructose levels in them can increase blood sugar levels. Fresh fruits are most welcome as a part of a diabetic diet.

For diabetic patients, the following are the thumb rules for healthy eating:

(1) Restrict foods that are high in sugar

(2) Eat in moderation throughout the day, not in volumes

(3) Watch out for carbohydrate consumption–when to take, how much to eat

(4) Eat whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables

(5) Eat less fat and less salt

(6) Limit alcohol intake

Work out the best diet plan with your doctor, in case you are a diabetic. It will help you work out ways and means in controlling your sugar level and in the process make you happier and satisfied than ever before.

There are various Ayurvedic diabetes treatments in India to treat borderline and acute diabetes with natural therapies. Get the best diabetes treatment in natural resorts by contacting BS Ayurveda Tours India Pvt. Ltd. at +919319746630.  

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