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March 1, 2021

Animalistic awareness still guides our lives.

The first of Autumn, was yesterday, and my body felt it big time. I am quite sensitive to the change in seasons, the change in sunlight and temperatures etc that tells us change is literally in the air.
Humans are, in essence, animals. Mammals who have a slightly different function in this world. We are still wired to notice our environment as a self-preservation mechanism, even if we attempt to control it all with air conditioning/heating, lighting and creature comforts that confuse our nervous system.
Add the dimension that our cells, our DNA and memories are stored in body and sub-conscious and we have a multi-layered memory and trigger system that can help or hinder our experiences.
What do you make of the signals around you?
Do you ignore them, and reach out for a comfort solution or do you explore the feelings, and create a resolution?
Do you take time to notice the patterns created over the years that at particular times of the year you are prompted to do a certain thing or get edgy? For me, this time of the year is the beginning of the hibernation and writing phases. Spring is move house time. Go figure, how these are tied together.
How aware are you of your routines, and your reactions to them? Do you allow yourself to become curious enough to give space for the subtleness of the seasons and your innate reactions?
Are they creating more of what you want, or or they acting as auto-pilot drivers dictating to you what you have always done, and expect you to always do?
I haven’t lost the gypsy trait just yet and I am starting to feel angsty about needing to keep to routines, more now than ever.
I am feeling the pull to stay home more and nest in my little home and create, connect differently and pour back into me again after sharing myself over the Summer.
I am desiring to come back to me even more, and not be part of the bigger crowd to people please or keep peace.
So what does this potentially mean?
As I wrote in my journal today, the above realisations come through. I woke unsettled and disorientated. My dreams last night showed me past patterns, triggered the need to let go of certain people, and situations that created sadness, but also showed me a greater outcome that will only happen with application and creating space for it to happen.
Follow the Universal Laws, our innate connection with nature and see what happens when we move more in align with what is to be and not what we force to be.
If you are ready to Reclaim Your life, to become more aware of your own self so you can choose and create more of what you want, then reach out. I can help with that.
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