March 4, 2021

“I Met my Love at the Bookstore”—20 Things to Expect in a Relationship.

I met my love at the bookstore holding a Rupi Kaur book.

This is the narration of a continual narrative, my stranger-than-fiction writer who exists in my head. 

A pining. A romantic desire for love and understanding.

Truly, I ask, can two writers coexist in love? 

How about those who pine to love the writer? 

More importantly, can these relationships withstand the creative wars and waves?

The ebb and flow, the highs and lows of creativity?

Today is family day, and since my family is far away, I do what I do almost every holiday: write, drink coffee, and head to the bookstore.

I arrive early, and the store is closed. A man is there with his elderly mother, trying to find a place to escape the cold. Our eyes meet, and my heart does a flutter.

We chat and linger; they are traveling.

We exchange smiles behind our masks—a brief and sweet exchange over as quickly as it started.

Long enough to get me thinking about love.

Long enough to stir my heart.

The following is what you are in for if you love a writer. Caution, this is uncensored:

*Disclaimer: I can’t speak for every writer, and this advice does not replace medical attention. (Insert laughter here.)*

1. Be prepared to never be on time again. 

The reality is there is real-time and writer’s time. Actually, time doesn’t exist.

2. A thick skin is necessary. 

Try not to take offense to after-love-making writing sprees. Creative acts inspire and get those “creative juices flowing.”

3. You will, in turn, need to be sensitive and understanding to ridiculous questions and debates. 

You will be questioned often and asked about things you never dreamed of. You don’t need the answers.

4. Presents that really touch the heart won’t be found in a store. 

This one is a real golden nugget of advice. The sentimental heart thinks outside of the box. Think authored, penned, and signed books, homemade scented soap, and chocolate fondues.

5. Invest in Starbucks early; most of your hard-earned money will be going there.

6. Respect the writing attire and sweater. 

This is code for serious digging in and quiet required.

7. Be prepared to be written into, axed out of, and rewritten into endless pieces. 

Do not be offended if there are other muses.

8. The old boyfriends are still writing material, even the deceased ones.

9. Perfume and incense are medicinal.

10. Dead roses become bookmarks. 

You can never throw them out.

11. Making coffee is a sign of love. 

And preparing tea is devotion.

12. Do not read that which is not yet offered.

13. Silence is golden.

14. Movies need to be inspirational.

15. Keys, phones, and other important objects will always be missing.

16. Letters are kept forever. 

Even those love letters sent by another.

17. Laundry will often be forgotten and dinners ruined when in the writing zone.

18. Postcards are the sweetest. 

These are also bookmarks.

19. Spontaneity will offer you extra bonus points. 

Think impromptu dates and weekends away. Think hanging out in the airport and not going anywhere. These are the best dates, after all.

20. Nothing is ever forgotten. 

Forgiven, yes, but never forgotten. (This one is pretty big.)

Darlings, if I haven’t frightened you away, nothing will. 

To love and be in a relationship with a writer is not for the faint of heart. Be prepared for a life that is rich.

See you all at the bookstore. I will be in the poetry section picking up the latest Rupi Kaur.

Where life and writing are all unfolding.

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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,450

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Toa Heftiba/unsplash

Editor: Kate Force

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