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April 16, 2021

A poem for the newly divorced.

Memories float upon the breeze, footprints of what we once were.

A funeral procession of a life once lived, before it all began to hurt.

Now here I am now all alone, my body washed upon the shore.

Caught up in a half-year storm, my spirit battered from war.

I walk this new land before me, some say I have come home.

Arms outstretched they pull me in, guided, but oh I feel so alone!

Reflect, hindsight and retrospect, was any of it real?.

Our marriage now but a hologram, our hearts replaced with steel,

Endings mark new beginnings, and night must turn to dawn.

There is a brave new world before me, but please first allow me to mourn.

You were once the love of my life, my husband, my friend, my man.

I was your wife, and cheerleader, your lover, your biggest fan.

Sacred moments and births, secrets, confessions, and pride.

Losses, tears and laughter, we shared it all side by side.

But here we are now strangers, there is great distance in your eyes.

Our fingers still marked from where our rings once sat, dark clouds in once bright skies.

The casket of our marriage, is slowly lowered to the earth.

The plaque tells our story of how much we were once worth.

I watch as the soil falls over us, the grass, the weeds the tears, let’s now allow nature to take care of our once biggest fears.

Goodbye, cheerio, and thankyou. Our memories will soon become dust.

The once silver gates to our castle now all turned to rust.

Allow the sunshine to illuminate us, and help us to find the way.

Out of this pain and confusion and to a brand new day.

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