April 14, 2021

The Womanly Superpower we’ve been Failing to Harness—& How to Do It.

Every day there is an invitation to be the warrior goddess, which is our divine birthright!

Running the trail, hard and fast, on the first day of my period with a steadfast heart and breath of resilience, I celebrated the woman I have become.

I felt strong, capable, and grateful for my body and my life. For it had not always been this way.

During my monthly cycle, I would struggle immensely to make it into work, let alone do a workout. The pain would be so intense. I feel in society, the labels we give to this sacred time, calling it women’s problems, is something I heard regularly and set me up on shaky ground before it had even begun.

Removing these harmful stereotypes is imperative for women to harness their power as a collective and enrich empowerment over not being enough. It wasn’t until the universe conspired for me to become a fitness instructor that I could connect the dots of how imperative exercise is to mental health and physiology.

When we move our body and sweat on an energetical level, our temperature rises, and the skin’s pores open. Making our body sweat regularly is imperative to our health in this modern-day world. Whether that’s running, fitness classes, strength, yoga, or Qi-gong, etcetera. These modalities are to be used as tools of empowerment and embed a deeper connection to our body.

I’ve read many books and listened to plenty of podcasts about women being cyclical and the importance of honouring our body. My takeaway is, although the information has been extremely insightful, it is still important that we find our own way, walk our own path, as following somebody else’s path only distracts us further from what our intuition is yearning to tell us. All we need to do is pay attention—with the intention to listen.

When we give permission and listen to our body’s needs, the less guilt we attach to a situation. We give ourselves permission to go slow. When we find we are not performing as we’re used to in ovulation, we can ask questions like, “What do I need? How can I perform at my best today?”

The more we harness our intuition, the more we can use our womanly superpowers.

When we look at our cycle through a cyclical lens, we understand that we are naturally meant to ebb and flow through each calendar month. On some days after work, I notice this fierce energy inside of me that wants to run hard and fast up the fells, and on other days, all I want to do is go home and snuggle up on the sofa and get comfy with a good book.

We are not meant to feel the same or perform the same the whole month. We are cyclical, and there’s no negating that we run on a completely different schedule from men. A man’s testosterone replenishes daily; however, the ebb and flow of oestrogen and progesterone during the month is a harmonious dance that affects our physiology, giving us different strengths and running on a completely different watch.

Happiness is, in fact, an art of living. Exploring vulnerability, embodying self-care is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves; tuning into our bodies and listening with complete acceptance is how we as women take our power back!

Just think of all the women around the world, at different stages of their cycle, but together, we are united.

We make the whole of the Moon.


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author: Willow Woolf

Image: Mitch Walker/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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